20 May, 2024, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

May 2024

Date:  Monday, May. 20, 2024
Time:  1830 
Location: Zoom 

  1. Call to Order: 6:34pm 
  2. Roll Call:  Don Kern, Commodore;  Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ken Madeiro, Committee Member; Vin McAteer, Committee Member; Moose McClintock, Committee Member; Matt Smith, Committee Member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator 
  3. Approval Meeting Minutes: April 2024 minutes approved as presented by members present 
  4. Appeals: None    
  5. Ratings Review:   
    1. 2024 Certificate 17954 – Open 30, Red Dawn, Mike Piper, owner. Agreed that base rating of 57 is accurate and no further review needed. 
    2. 2024 Certificate 18060 Alerion Express 38 YWL, Hope, Chris Bjerregaard owner. Review of Alerion 38 models will be done in off season. Current 2024 ratings to remain as issued. 
    3. 2024 Certificate 18024 Columbia/ Sabre, Starling, Evan Idle, owner. Matt Smith reviewed issues with the reported heavier rig and 100 pounds removed from interior. Mast is 12 inches taller and boom raised 12 inches. No weight of rig included. Members present agreed to leave the 2024 base at 201. 
    4. 2024 Certificate 18179 – Botin GP 42 CTM, Settler, Tom Rich, owner. 2023 base rating was -30. Owner has added a hydraulic forestay adjuster and a masthead code Zero 0. Boat has runners and no backstay.  
    5. 2024 Certificate 18188 – Ericson 30+, Phase 3, Carl Supancic, owner. Mr Supancic has approached committee members as well as Commodore about his rating. Members present agreed that Mr Supancic should be informed that he must file a ratings appeal if he wants his current 2024 base rating of 171 reviewed. 
  6. New Base Ratings Needed  
    1. 2024 Certificate 17982 – Swan 55 (Frers), Dragon, Hugh Balloch, owner. The members present noted that this is a new build of a 2021 model and is a large, heavy boat with a big rig but a keel of 16,660 pounds drawing only 6.89 feet. Comparisons were made with a number of other known boats and a base rating of 0 was agreed to by the members present.    
    2. 2024 Certificate 18181 – Hunter 35 Legend, Blue Bayou, John McLaughlin owner. This boat appears to be a tall mast version with a shoal draft keel. After a discussion of the options and experience with this model by Moose McClintock it was agreed by the members present to assign a 2024 base of 147. 
    3. 2024 Certificate 18204 – Catalina 36-1, Calypso, David Easterbrooks owner. This is a standard Catalina model and it was agreed by the members present to use the earlier assigned base rating of 147 for a Catalina 36 TM WK. 
  7. Old Business: 
    1. Status of updates to web page. Cert – Add pervious name/ homeport (Roy)No update 
    2. YRALIS technology for managing PHRF certificates, discussion to accept or not accept offer. Will Museler noted we have responded that we have no interest. 
    3. PHRF NZ system to evaluate results (Will). This has been reviewed and their system is based on IRC and is nothing like what PHRF-NB currently has invested in. 
  8. New Business: 
    1. Interpretation / revision to the rules for “Cruising Headsail Credit”. To be reviewed in the off-season 
    2. Meeting June 10th – Zoom,  First of the two meetings per month for the peak registration period. 
  9. Adjournment: 8:17pm