February 2024
Date: Monday, Feb. 27, 2024
Time: 1830
Location: Zoom
- Call to Order:
- Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Todd Johnston, Committee Member; Ken Madeiro, Committee Member; Moose McClintock, Committee Member; Mark Nannini, Committee Member; Randy Shore, Committee Member; Matt Smith, Committee Member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator
- Approval Meeting Minutes: The members present unanimously approved the November 2023 minutes
- Review/Approve Draft of 2024 Annual Meeting: The members present unanimously approved the minutes of the 2024 annual meeting and agreed that they should be posted to the website.
- Appeals: None
- Rating Reviews:
- 2023 Certificate 17324 – BENETEAU FIRST 27, Hawksbill, David Wilson owner. With details provided that the owner is steadily trying to get the boat performing better and observed racing performance that the boat suffers from design weaknesses the members present voted to adjust the bae rating by +6 sec to a new base of 102.
- 2023 Certificate 17629 – BROOKLINE EGGEMOGGIN 47+, Tink, Jack Lefort owner. Will Museler provided a detail performance summary of the boats performance at the 2023 Block Island Race Week. Based on this data and other members observation of the boats performance it was agreed by the members present to adjust the base rating by -3 seconds to a new base of 33. Will Museler will notify Mr. Lefort of this change.
- 2023 17661 – CAPE 31, Sailing Inc., Martin Kullman owner. The Cape 31 compares well to a Melges 32 and competed against them in the 2023 Block Island Race Week. Although the boats appear similar it appears that the Cape 31 is slower on certain points of sail. Based on board members observations the base ratings for the Melges 32 at 30 and the Cape 31 at 12 are in need of adjustment. The members present agreed and voted to adjust the base rating of the Melges 32 by -3 seconds to 27 and the Cape 31 base rating by +6 secs to 18.
- 2023 Certificate 16630 – INTERNATIONAL STAR, Presto, Dwight Escalera owner. The current base rating of 150 is in line with the national rating for this boat. The Star does not sail with a spinnaker and it was noted that the sail configuration is comparable to designs which do carry and fly spinnakers. The organization that this boat races with slots the Star in a non-spinnaker class where it is normally the 1st place boat. The members agreed that the current base rating is correct but that the organization the slots this boat as non-spinnaker should be made aware that the board members believe a review of the fleet assignment should be reviewed. PHRF-NB will notify the organizing Club as well as Mr. Escalera our thoughts on this boat.
- 2023 Certificate 17216 – SALONA 380, Cookie Monster, Stephen Hale owner. The members presented voted unanimously to leave the 2023 base rating of 81 in place for 2024.
- 2023 Certificate 17221 – MORRIS 36 JUSTINE SD, Corvus, Chris Terejewicz owner. The members presented voted unanimously to leave the 2023 base rating of 165 in place for 2024.
- 2023 Certificate 17285 – TARTAN 3700 WK, Salty Dog, Ronald Canizares owner. The members presented voted unanimously to leave the 2023 base rating of 118 in place for 2024.
- 2023 Certificate 17552 – BENETEAU OCEANIS 30.1 SD, Willow, Lamie Verdi owner. This boat races weekly in East Greenwich and due to the design of the boat and the limitations of the design to its performance the members present agreed that an adjustment to the base rating of +15 seconds resulting in a new base of 183 would be appropriate.
- 2023 Certificate 17581 – BOTIN GP 42 CTM, Settler, Thomas Rich owner. Observation of the performance of this boat was provided by members present. Settler was comparted to the Martin 49 and to Interlodge. The rating appeal by Mr. Rich from September of 2023 was also reviewed. After a discussion it was agreed by the members present to leave the base rating at -30 and apply all of the existing adjustments. Keep Provisional status
- 2023 Certificate 17715 – ARCHAMBAULT 40RC, Banter, Matthew Gimple owner. After a discussion of the boat it was agreed by the members present to leave the base rating at 39 and remove the provisional status of the certificate.
- 2023 Certificate 17719 – SWAN 48, K7, Simon Wilson owner. After a discussion of the boat it was agreed by the members present to leave the base rating at -9 and leave the provisional status on the certificate.
- 2023 Certificate 17210 – SVP L30, Ellementary, Diane Reid owner. It was noted that this boat had structural issues and that repairs are being undertaken. After a discussion of the boat it was agreed by the members present to leave the base rating at 54.
- Old Business
- Latest status on discussions with US Sailing – It was agreed by the members present that PHRF-NB would not pay the 2024 US Sailing membership dues and that a statement would be posted on the PHRF-NB website of the action taken by the PHRF-NB board.
- Status of updates to web page was provided by Roy Guay. The current modification allowing conversion from metric to standard is in development.
- Updated 2024 meeting calendar was reviewed and accepted by the members present.
- New Business:
- Meeting March 25th – Zoom
- Will Museler has reviewed the rating adjustment list s of other PHRF sites and will send out to the board members for comments.
- The 2024 certificate applications will be made available on Friday March 1.
- Adjournment: members present voted to adjourn at 8:28pm