Category: Meeting Minutes

15 January 2025, Annual PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes


Performance Handicap Racing Fleet
Narragansett Bay (PHRF-NB)

2025 Annual Meeting

DateWednesday, January 15, 2024
Attendees:  PHRF-NB Board, Rating Committee and Members
e:  1830
Location:  Newport Yacht Club.

  1. Call to Order 6:30pm
  2. Roll Call – Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; board members in attendance, EC Helme, Todd Johnston, Moose McClintock, Mark Nannini, Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator. Board members not in attendance, Ken Madeiro, Vin McAteer, Randy Shore, Matthew Smith
    Guests – Timothy Grimes, Darris Witham, Mark Rotsky
  3. Approval of 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes – A motion made and seconded by those in attendance to accept the minutes of the 2024 annual meeting
  4. Treasurers Report – Roy Guay: motion made and seconded by those in attendance to accept the treasures report of 2024 income and expense as well as membership numbers.
  5. Nomination of Officers – Officers nominated with Board’s approval:
    1. Commodore – Don Kern
    2. Rating Chairman – Will Museler
    3. Treasurer – Roy Guay
    4. Secretary – Bob Horton
      The list of 2025 officers was approved by those in attendance.
  6. Proposed Changes for 2025 Season
    1. The proposed significant changes to PHRF-NB Regulations for 2025 had a motion made and seconded and approved by the members present.
    2. Clarification on Cruising Headsail Credit
    3. Statement that staysails, tallboys and bloopers are permitted in spinnaker class
      Noted that these sails are measured as genoas.
    4. Displacement Changes, that rating adjustment based on equipment additions will not be considered until a minimum of a ±10% change is made to the vessel’s displacement. Any reduction in displacement shall be declared to the committee for review.
    5. 8.11 Reportable Modifications
      f. Removable or addition of any ballast of lead or similar density material. Any movable ballast. (i.e. water ballast): indicate weight, location, volume and rate of transfer if             applicable.
    6. 8.2 Non-Reportable Modification
      j. There are no restrictions for headsail material of construction technique except as outlined in 6.2d Cruising Headsail Credit
    7. Rating Committee Meetings dates adjustment:
      1. Annual meeting: fourth Wednesday of January
      2. February through April & July through November: Last Monday of month at 1830. An exception will be the April meeting which was agreed to be moved to April 21st.
      3. May and June: second and last Monday of month at 1800
  7. Website upgrades – metric and SAE measurements are now in place for the 2025 rating applications. For ratings all sails are assumed to be at the max size unless noted otherwise and certified by a sailmaker letter. Also added were any previous name that a boat had raced under and the region a boat might have competed in at some time.
  8. PHRF-NB continuation of withholding dues to US Sailing because their lack of support to the regional PHRF organizations. Members present agreed to continue withholding dues. Noted that other New England regions continue to make annual payment.
  9. Support to Narragansett Bay Yacht Association. NBYA once again approached PHRF-NB seeking to have access to our email list. A solution that was agreed to was to add a field to the 2025 application with yes or no boxes to opt in or out of allowing the applicants email to be provided to NBYA. The field would be required to be selected. A motion was made and seconded and the members present voted to add this link.
  10. Open Discussion:
    a) Non-Spinnaker Adjustment – it was agreed that additional review regarding the non-spinnaker rating for non-overlapping headsails should continue.
    b) Double handed rating – PHRF-NB was approached regarding a desire to investigate providing a double handed rating for boats that applied for such a rating. The board members agreed that we do not have a method to provide such a rating adjustment at this time. The Rating Chair will investigate the adjustment in use by other PHRF regions.
  11. Adjournment: 7:30pm

29 October 2024, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

Minutes October

October 2024

Date:        Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024
Time:         1800
Location:   In person, Newport, RI

  1. Call to Order: 6:45 pm
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore;  Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Will Museler, Rating Chairman Ken Madeiro, Committee Member; Moose McClintock, Committee Member; Randy Shore, Committee Member, Todd Johnston, Committee member; EC Helm, Committee Member;: Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator not present Vin McAteer, Committee Member; Matt Smith, Committee Member;
  3. Approval Meeting Minutes : Minutes of the September 2024
  4. Appeals: None
  5. New Base Ratings Needed: None
  6. Annual Ratings Review:
    The following boats will have an additional review during the off season to valid the 2024 rating that was assigned.

    1. Certificate 1743 – C&C 110, Makai
    2. Certificate 17905 – Hinckley Owens 41 CUT, Brigadoon
    3. Certificate 17930 – Alerion Express 38-2 SLP, Osprey
    4. Certificate 18060 – Alerion Express 38-2 YWL, Hope
    5. Certificate 11913 – Tartan 34C, Iris
    6. Certificate 15146 – Farr 395, Next Wave
  7. Old Business:
    1. Ratings Chairman Will Museler spoke with YRALIS Chairman, Alistair Duke, concerning a gathering of the regional PHRF groups to discuss regional common issues that could be shared and eventually presented to US SAILING Will and Alistair agreed to identify the 3 top concerns of both groups and then go to the other NE Regions for their top 3 concerns. Commodore Kern suggested that NEPHRF be brought into the discussion sooner rather than later. The top 3 issues for PHRF-NB were discussed by the members present and agreement on our 3 were: Access to USSailing performance data which has not been updated since 2016 and is critical to local PHRF committees.  Access to new design certificates.                                                                                                   Creation of a multi-rating system that would be fair and consistent for different courses.
    2. Status of updates to web page. Roy Guay is working with the website developer to add pervious boat name/ homeport to the applicant certificates.
  8. New Business:
    1. Potential Rule adjustments: Will Museler provided an update along with new charts showing the effect and the adjustment table.
      1. The use of Performance Factor to create a new adjustment Table for Non-Spin adjustments. Using Jim Teeters’ GPH algorithm had some glitches but extended the adjustment range from a Max of 24 to 35.
    2. Annual meeting will be at Newport YC on January 15, 2025
    3. Meeting: Nov 25, Zoom
  9. Adjournment: members present voted to adjourn at 8:07pm


30 September 2024, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

September 2024

Date:          Monday, Sep 30, 2024
Time:         1830
Location:   Zoom

  1. Call to Order: 6:35 pm
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ken Madeiro, Committee Member; Mark Nannini, Committee Member; Moose McClintock, Committee Member; Matt Smith, Committee Member; Ec Helme, Committee Member; Randy Shore, Committee Member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator
  3. Approval Previous Monthly Meeting Minutes: The August 26, 2024 minutes were unanimously approved by the members present.
  4. Appeals: None
  5. New Base Ratings Needed
    1. 2024 Certificate 18423 – J-130 CF SD, Jayhawk, Nathan Walter Ray, owner. Kathy Rotsky stated that the applicant had not provided missing measurements. Members present decided to not issue a 2024 certificate without the requested measurements.
    2. 2024 Certificate 18441 – Eagle 44, Arethusa, Jeffery Romely owner. Kathy Rotsky stated that the applicant had not provided missing measurements. Members present decided to not issue a 2024 certificate without the requested measurements.
    3. 2024 – Cherubini 48, Victoria, schooner, Richard Sammons owner. Owner has problem providing correct dimensions. Kathy Rotsky stated that the applicant had not provided missing measurements. Members present decided to not issue a 2024 certificate without the requested measurements.
  6. Annual Ratings Review (See attachment).
  7. A Review of PHRF-NB Spin ratings having Deviation greater than 10 sec from PHRF vs ORC Trendlines; Two boats showed as outliers and will be reviewed further; Certificate 11913 Tartan 34C Iris and Certificate 15146 Farr 395 Imagine
  8. Old Business:
    1. Open discussions with YRALIS, Cynthia Parthemos, concerning a gathering of the regional PHRF groups to discuss regional common issues that could be shared. Suggest also contacting PHRF-NE, and ECSA (which includes PHRF/ELI). Will Museler will be in contact with Cynthia in October  to discuss a meeting.
    2. Status of updates to web page. Cert – Add pervious name/ homeport (Roy). No updates to report.
  9. New Business:
    1. Would like vote on continuation: From US Sailing – “This is a friendly reminder that your 2024 Membership Dues are now overdue.”  No action taken at the September meeting.
    2. Potential Rule adjustments:
      1. Interpretation / revision to the rule 6.2.d.“Cruising Headsail Credit”, If a boat standard is with a furler, what is the adjustment for cruising headsail? The Committee agreed that standard adjustment is +3 sec for the furler and +3 sec for the cruising headsail. The rule will be worded to reflect this clarification.
      2. Add highlight to rule 7.3 below: “The typical adjustment for displacement modifications is based on 5 sec/mile for 10% of displacement. The committee will review all displacement adjustments on a case-by-case basis.  Rating adjustment based on equipment additions will not be considered until a minimum of a 10% change is made to the vessel.”  Members present agreed to this change.
      3. Adjustment for a hydraulic forestay adjuster to depower main on fractional rig (Settler). Members present agreed to review hydraulic assist on a case by case basis.
      4. Allowance of staysails, tall boys, streakers and bloopers
        1. Members present agreed to allow bloopers in spinnaker class racing and will not exceed the sail area of the largest genoa rated.
      5. Annual meeting – It was agreed by the members present that the annual meeting in January will be held at the Newport YC.
    3. Meeting Oct 28, Dinner – members agreed to go to Newport and reserve at Sardella’s Restaurant
  10. Adjournment: members present voted to adjourn at 8:46pm


26 August 2024, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

August 26, 2024

Date:          Monday, August 26, 2024
Time:         1830
Location:   Zoom

  1. Call to Order: 6:38pm
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer;  Bob Horton, Secretary; Ken Madeiro, Committee Member; Moose McClintock, Committee Member; Mark Nannini, Committee Member; Randy Shore, Committee Member Matt Smith, Committee Member Kathy Rotsky PHRF-NB Administrator.
  3. Approval Meeting Minutes: members present voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the July 29, 2024 meeting.
  4. Appeal: – None
  5. Ratings Review:
    1. 2024 Certificate 18079 – JS9000, Slim Shady, Moose McClintock – owner. Base rating of 87 was assigned based on measurements presented.
  6. New Base Ratings Needed
      1. 2024 Certificate 18491 – Brooklin Stephens Waring 76, Zemphira, Tenacious Holdings LLC owner. This is a similar design to TINK but bigger from the Brooklin Boatyard. It looks like a classic but has a very modern underbody and different foils and sail plan from the original design. It compare to Irie2 a Kerr 55 base rating of -49, and Pugilist a RP 49, base rating of -42. It also was compared to Laura a RP60 with a base rating of -60. After a thorough discussion by the members present it was agreed to assign a provisional rating of -45.
      2. 2024 Certificate 18493 – JPK 1030, Rumble, Bradford Gibbs owner. This design compares closely to a J99. In the Ida Lewis Distance Race it took a 3rd in class under ORC. After a thorough discussion by the members present it was agreed to assign a provisional rating of 75.
      3. 2024 Certificate 18497, Alden Q-class, Noreaster, Ted Graves owner. Compared to a NY 50 this boat model is sleeker with longer overhangs. The members present compared it to Gamecock a Herreshoff R Class. This is the next iteration of the classic design. It compared favorably to the 8Meter Angelita an *Meter pre WWII which has a base rating of 111. After a thorough discussion by the members present it was agreed to assign a provisional rating of 114.
  7. Old Business:
    1. There were no updates to web page to be reported.
  8. New Business:
    1. Question as the status of certificates issued in 2024 compared to previous years and we are about the same level as 2023. Treasury balance is also about the same for the YTD.
    2. Next meeting September 30th – and the members present agreed to hold the meeting at the Bristol Yacht Club at 6:30pm
  9. Adjournment: the members present voted to adjourn at 7:38pm.

29 July 2024, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

July 29, 2024

Date:          Monday, June 24, 2024
Time:         1830
Location:   Zoom

  1. Call to Order:
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ec Helme, Committee Member; Moose McClintock, Committee Member; Mark Nannini, Committee Member; Randy Shore, Committee Member; Matt Smith, Committee Member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator
  3. Approval Meeting Minutes: June 24, 2024 minutes seconded as presented and approved by members present. 
  4. Appeal: None
  5. Ratings Review:
    1. 2024 Certificate 18419 – 12 Metre (Traditional), Onawa, Kelsy Patnaude owner. This boat is a traditional 12Metre but has changed the sail make up which will be applied as appropriate to the existing base.
    2. 2024 Certificate 18442 – Grand Soleil 45, Mariposa, Austin Whitman owner. The measurements that the owner has provided indicate a variance to the older model manufactured by Frers and the newer model from Judel/Vrolik. After a detailed review of the measurements provided it was agreed by the members present that this model should be designated as a Model Grand Soleil 45 Custom with a provisional base of 45.
    3. 2024 Certificate 18426 – Freedom 45AC TM, Capricia III, Peter Schwenn owner. This aft cockpit model of the Freedom 45 was compared to the boat Glory 2021 certificate 15348 which is a center cockpit and winged keel model. After a thorough discussion and review of the critical dimensions it was agreed by the members present that a provisional base rating of 114 be assigned and the appropriate standard adjustments be applied.
  6. New Base Ratings Needed
      1. None
  7. Old Business:
    1. Status of updates to web page – No updates to report as of this date.
  8. New Business:
    1. Conversation with Cynthia Parthemos, Past President YRALIS. Will Museler indicated that he had corresponded with Cynthia that YRALIS had similar issues with support from US Sailing as we. She proposed to have a gathering of the regional PHRF groups to discuss common issues and things that work in the regional area that could be shared. She was not looking to have a single New England PHRF. Will indicated and the members present supported such a meeting.
    2. Bob Horton suggested that we have an in-person meeting in August with refreshments. It was agreed by the members present that we would meet in-person for the August 28th Kathy Rotsky agreed to handle the logistics at Bristol YC.
    3. Meeting August 12th – Zoom
  9. Adjournment: members present voted to adjourn at 7:43pm

New Boats rated after July 29th Committee meeting by email:

  • Date Cert # Model                       Name          Base
  • 8/3/2024 18442 Oyster 575       Spirit           42 Provisional
  • 8/4/2024 18441 Eagle 44           Arethusa     81 Provisional


24 June, 2024, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

June 24, 2024

Date:  Monday, June. 24, 2024
Time:  1830
Location: Zoom 


        1. Call to Order:6:38pm 
        2. Roll Call:  Don Kern, Commodore; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ken Madeiro, Committee Member; Vin McAteer, Committee Member; Moose McClintock, Committee member; Mark Nannini, Committee Member; Randy Shore, Committee member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator 
        3. Approval Meeting Minutes: Members present approved the minutes of the June 10, 2024
        4. Appeal:  2024 Certificate 18081 – Saffier 24L, Sorpasso, Peter Vessella owner. Owner requested review of rating based on performance in 2023 which was 1st year racing and this is hull number 2. Observation by members is that this boat is slow both upwind and downwind.
          The weight of the boat is in question and members agreed that the boat should    be weighed to clarify if manufacturer’s information is correct. Will Museler ran a review of the results from 2023 in an excel format allowing different sailing rating         to be substituted. Based on the adjusted results reviewed and discussed by the    members present it was agreed to change the 2024 base rating of 141 to 162 provisional.
        5. Ratings Review:
          1. 2024 Certificate 18079 – JS9000, Slim Shady, Moose McClintock, owner. It was agreed by the members present to delay issuing a base rating until this boat has been repaired and launched and performance is reviewed.
        6. New Base Ratings Needed
          1. 2024 Certificate 18347 J-45 SD, Acceptance, Jeff Kauttu owner. This boat is the same hull as Acadia 2024 Certificate 18212 that was reviewed on June 10. This is a cruise model with shoal draft and various rig differences. After a though review and discussion it was agreed to issue a provisional base rating of 36.
          2. 2024 Certificate 17675 – Beneteau 35s5, Breathless, Anthony Boitano, owner. The owner has not been responsive to request from Kathy Rotsky for information needed to issue an accurate rating. A similar boat, Answer also a Beneteau 35s5           has a base rating of 117. It was agreed by the members present to leave this applicant in the pending queue.
          3. 2024 Certificate 18364 – Classic Universal Rule R Boat, Peter McClennen, owner. This is a 1925 Herreshoff wooden classic boat that has been restored and is sailed by a skilled crew. It has raced and is compared to an existing known boat, Leaf 2023 certificate 17505 base of 138. These 2 boats have race against each other after a thorough discussion by the members present with Randy Shore abstaining it was agreed to issue a provisional base rating of 147.
          4. 2024 Certificate XXXX – Nauticat 39, Karelia, Michael Schum, owner. This boat was compared to various Gulfstar and Hinckley models as well as other Nauticat models. The members present agreed on a provisional base of 150.
        7. Old Business:
        8. Status of updates to web page.No updates
        9. New Business:
          1. Meeting July 8 – Zoom
        10. Adjournment:8:05pm

10 June, 2024, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

June 10, 2024

Date:         Monday, June. 10, 2024
Time:         1830
Location:   Zoom

  1. Call to Order: 6:30pm
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ec Helme, Committee Member; Vin McAteer, Committee Member; Moose McClintock, Committee Member; Mark Nannini, Committee Member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator
  3. Approval Meeting Minutes: May 2024 Minutes presented and approved by the members present.
  4. Appeal: None
  5. Ratings Review:
    1. 2024 Certificate 18079 – JS9000, Slim Shady, Moose McClintock, owner. Due to various equipment issues this certificate is moved to the July meeting.
    2. 2024 Certificate 18212 – J45, Acadia, Erik Asgeirsson, owner. The base rating of 12 for this boat was agreed to via various emails detailing previous performance and design review after the last meeting. Mr. Asgeirsson questioned why his 2024 PHRF-NB rating was different from the rating he received from YRALIS in 2024. Based on the measurements of this new J Boat and comparing to other known boats and results on Yacht Scoring the members present agreed that the provisional base rating would remain at 12. Will Museler will send a letter to Mr. Asgeirsson explaining our decision.
    3. 2024 Certificate 18317 – Pogo 50, Max, Moritz Hilf, owner. This owner is questioning his 2024 base rating of -24. The boat compares to Settler, Irie and After Midnight as well as Pugilist after viewing the VPP. It was agreed by the members present to leave the rating as a provisional and review over winter after more race results are available.
    4. 2024 Certificate 18333 – J122, Dire Wolf, Constantine Baris, owner. This boat has converted his retractable sprit to a fixed sprit and is rating with an asymmetrical spinnaker. Kathy Rotsky calculated the rating to be the same as the adjustable sprit. The members present reviewed the change and agreed that the change would not affect the base rating of 36 for this model.
  6. New Base Ratings Needed
    1. 2024 Certificate 18247 – Catalina 445, Encore, Steve Dionne, owner. This is a wing keel model and compares to a Beneteau Oceanis 430. Regression has the boat at 104. The owner did not provide any mainsail measurements but review of the model shows that it most likely has in mast furling with vertical battens. The members present agreed on a base of 108 and the Administrator will call the owner to obtain details of the mainsail.
    2. Expedited rating issued via email review. 2024 Certificate 18306 – XP-44, Sonrisa, Jeffery McCarron owner. This was a requested and paid expedited certificate that was reviewed via email after the last meeting. The boat is heavy and carries a large spinnaker. YRALIS has the XP44 DK rated at 21. Vin indicated that the boat is a good performer in heavy air and is a match to a J44. It was agreed by the members that voted via email that a provisional base of 30 would be appropriate.
  7. Old Business:
    1. Status of updates to web page. Commodore Kern asked if an informational line indicating the previous name of the boat, if there was one and the homeport of the boat could be added to the application. Roy Guay will consult with the site designer to see where and when this could be implemented.
  8. New Business:
    1. Interpretation / revision to the rules for “Cruising Headsail Credit”, If a boat standard is with a furler, what is the adjustment for cruising headsail? The standard adjustment is 3 sec for the furler and 3 sec for the headsail. The wording of the rulers is not clear on above deck or below deck mounting of the furler and factory installed vs. retrofitted. The rule will be reviewed for clarity over the winter.
    2. Meeting June 24th – Zoom
  9. Adjournment: 7:18pm


20 May, 2024, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

May 2024

Date:  Monday, May. 20, 2024
Time:  1830 
Location: Zoom 

  1. Call to Order: 6:34pm 
  2. Roll Call:  Don Kern, Commodore;  Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ken Madeiro, Committee Member; Vin McAteer, Committee Member; Moose McClintock, Committee Member; Matt Smith, Committee Member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator 
  3. Approval Meeting Minutes: April 2024 minutes approved as presented by members present 
  4. Appeals: None    
  5. Ratings Review:   
    1. 2024 Certificate 17954 – Open 30, Red Dawn, Mike Piper, owner. Agreed that base rating of 57 is accurate and no further review needed. 
    2. 2024 Certificate 18060 Alerion Express 38 YWL, Hope, Chris Bjerregaard owner. Review of Alerion 38 models will be done in off season. Current 2024 ratings to remain as issued. 
    3. 2024 Certificate 18024 Columbia/ Sabre, Starling, Evan Idle, owner. Matt Smith reviewed issues with the reported heavier rig and 100 pounds removed from interior. Mast is 12 inches taller and boom raised 12 inches. No weight of rig included. Members present agreed to leave the 2024 base at 201. 
    4. 2024 Certificate 18179 – Botin GP 42 CTM, Settler, Tom Rich, owner. 2023 base rating was -30. Owner has added a hydraulic forestay adjuster and a masthead code Zero 0. Boat has runners and no backstay.  
    5. 2024 Certificate 18188 – Ericson 30+, Phase 3, Carl Supancic, owner. Mr Supancic has approached committee members as well as Commodore about his rating. Members present agreed that Mr Supancic should be informed that he must file a ratings appeal if he wants his current 2024 base rating of 171 reviewed. 
  6. New Base Ratings Needed  
    1. 2024 Certificate 17982 – Swan 55 (Frers), Dragon, Hugh Balloch, owner. The members present noted that this is a new build of a 2021 model and is a large, heavy boat with a big rig but a keel of 16,660 pounds drawing only 6.89 feet. Comparisons were made with a number of other known boats and a base rating of 0 was agreed to by the members present.    
    2. 2024 Certificate 18181 – Hunter 35 Legend, Blue Bayou, John McLaughlin owner. This boat appears to be a tall mast version with a shoal draft keel. After a discussion of the options and experience with this model by Moose McClintock it was agreed by the members present to assign a 2024 base of 147. 
    3. 2024 Certificate 18204 – Catalina 36-1, Calypso, David Easterbrooks owner. This is a standard Catalina model and it was agreed by the members present to use the earlier assigned base rating of 147 for a Catalina 36 TM WK. 
  7. Old Business: 
    1. Status of updates to web page. Cert – Add pervious name/ homeport (Roy)No update 
    2. YRALIS technology for managing PHRF certificates, discussion to accept or not accept offer. Will Museler noted we have responded that we have no interest. 
    3. PHRF NZ system to evaluate results (Will). This has been reviewed and their system is based on IRC and is nothing like what PHRF-NB currently has invested in. 
  8. New Business: 
    1. Interpretation / revision to the rules for “Cruising Headsail Credit”. To be reviewed in the off-season 
    2. Meeting June 10th – Zoom,  First of the two meetings per month for the peak registration period. 
  9. Adjournment: 8:17pm 

29 April 2024, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

April 2024

Date:          Monday, Apr. 29, 2024
Time:         1830
Location:   Zoom

  1. Call to Order:
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ec Helme, Committee Member; Moose McClintock, Committee Member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator
    1. Approval Meeting Minutes: March 2024 minute’s motion voted to be approved and seconded and passed by members present.
  3. Appeal: None
  4. New Base Ratings Needed
    1. 2024 Certificate17954 – Open 30, Red Dawn, Mike Piper owner. This is the boat originally called and rated as Overproof. The current application lists the mast as aluminum while it is believed to be carbon, there is also question as to whether the water ballast number is correct. Moose will check the mast and Kathy will verify the water ballast number. The owner also has applied for a rating with water ballast. The rating will be held until all questions are answered.
    2. 2024 Certificate17585Alerion Express 28-1, Leucothea, Karl Knauss owner. After review of when these boats were built and by which builder and the weight it was agreed by the members present that the 28-1 model would be assigned a base of 159.
    3. 2024 Certificate17949 – Alerion Express 28-2, Moorea, Robert Davignon owner. Again after review of when these boats were built and by which builder and the weight it was agreed by the members present that the 28-2 model would be assigned a base of 165.
    4. 2024 Certificate17930 – Alerion Express 38-2, Osprey, Peter Rugg owner. This model which is a sloop was compared to the yawl and basic dimensions that were the same and those that are different were noted. The current base for the yawl in PHRF-NB is 129 but is being questioned. The mainsail measurements are incomplete and Kathy will obtain these from the owner. A base of 125 was agreed to by the members present if the mainsail numbers are meet existing standards.
    5. 2024 Certificate17988 – Tartan 101, Tomfoolery, Chris Boutilier owner. This boat was compared to the C&C 101 Beneteau 36.7 which carries a YRA base of 84, NE-PHRF which has a base of 78 and NCPHRF with a base of 87. After discussion by the members present it was agreed that a base of 81 with all appropriate adjustments be assigned.
    6. 2024 Certificate18006 – Sou’wester 30, Great Eagle, John Argitis owner. It was noted that this model is a fiberglass boat. It was compared to a Cape Dory 30 with a base of 207. Roy’s regression comes out to 204. It was agreed by the members present to assign a base of 207.
    7. 2024 Certificate18058 – Schock Harbor 20, Ellla Bella, Charles Payne owner. This boat should be listed as a Harbor 20 which we already have a base for. It was agreed by the members present to assign the standard base of 225 to this boat.
    8. 2024 Certificate XXXXX – Hanse 455, Alegria III, Chip Baker owner. This boat has a NEPHRF base of 78. It was compared to the Beneteau 36.7 and Roy’s regression program came up with 67. After a long discussion it was agreed to assign a base of 84 by the members present.
    9. 2024 Certificate XXXXX – JS9000, Slim Shady, Moose McClintock owner. This is a highly modified JS9000. It was compared to the Melges 24, Italia 99.8, J92S and C&C 30. It was agreed by the members present that the modifications should identify this boat as a custom. After a long discussion and review of the modifications to the boat the members present voted to assign a base of 87 and review the boat after it had sailed and competed for one month.
    10. 2023 Certificate 18024 – Columbia/ Sabre, Starling, Evan Idle, Modifications made, adjustments in question. It was agreed by the members present to ask Matt Smith to review the changes and determine if any of the changes individually or combined require an adjustment.
  5. Ratings Review: Table of Boats to be Reviewed
      1. 2023 Certificate 17648 – MOODY 45DS, Liberty, base changed 2023, no action required.
      2. 2023 Certificate 17649 – VALIANT 50, Miss Red, base changed 2023, no action required.
      3. 2023 Certificate 17669 – BOTIN 45. Azulito, base changed 2023, no action required.
      4. 2023 Certificate 17675 – BENETEAU 35s5 TM. Breathless, base changed 2023, no action required.
      5. 2023 Certificate 17685 – BENETEAU FIRST 36.7, Five East, base changed 2023, no action required.
      6. 2023 Certificate 17688 – TARTAN 4300 SD, Grace, base changed 2023, no action required.
      7. 2023 Certificate 17696 – JUDEL/VROLIJK HH 42, Jigs Up, base changed 2023, no action required.
      8. 2023 Certificate 17736 – SWEDEN 41 TM, Gunga Din, base changed 2023, no action required.
      9. 2023 Certificate 17768 – DEHLER 30, Turbofish, base changed 2023, no action required.
      10. 2023 Certificate 17954 – Open 30, Red Dawn, Mike Piper, Boat under discussion, see above.
      11. 2023 Certificate 17955 – Open 30 WB, Red Dawn, Mike Piper, Boat with water ballast under discussion see above.
  6. Old Business:
      1. Status of updates to web page. No update
  7. New Business:
      1. YRALIS technology for managing PHRF certificates, discussion to accept or not accept offer. Question tabled.
      2. PHRF NZ system to evaluate results question tabled.
      3. Meeting May 20th – Zoom
  8. Adjournment: 8:48pm


Alerion Express 28


Alerion Express 28

From: Bob S and Ellen B <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 9:45 AM
To: Kathy Rotsky <>
Subject: Technology for managing PHRF certificates

Hi Kathy,

Peter Becker provided me with your contact information.

I am a trustee on the board of the YRALIS (Yacht Racing Association of the Long Island Sound)..

Similar to your organization, we issue PHRF certificates for our region of the US. YRALIS typically handles the renewal and new issuance of about 800 PHRF certificates per season. In order to do this efficiently we have developed a website that supports the workflow for this process. We have a used a software development company to assist us in this endeavor.  As we are in our fifth season using this web site technology it has reached a level of maturity and functional capability to handle the workflow aspects of this process. Automated functions include double handed certifactes (along side fully crewed), automated renewals, multiple boats per owner, transfer certificate support for sold boats, transparent reporting for members to easily see the complete population of certificates always up-to-date with underlying measurement data. and other functions to make the paperwork much more efficient.

We are reaching out to you to see if there is interest in taking advantage of this technology which greatly reduces the need for spread sheets and email based workflow. In exchange for using our technology we would charge a modest fee for which the amount has yet to be determined but would probably be based on the number of certificates you issue. We would offer this service on a turnkey basis. We would handle all of the resources needed to make the  web site work  such as servers, networking, backups, etc.

For us this is very preliminary and we are mostly trying to determine if there is interest from other PHRF committees for this service. We would provide it so that your committee has complete control over your local ratings.

We would love to hear back from you with any feedback so we can decide whether to move forward with broadening our services to support.

Bob Schwartz
Trustee, YRALIS




From PHRF NZ regarding how they operate, tomill

Hi William,

This is what the committee has come back with for you.

Hello William,

Hopefully the below helps a little with your questions.

We may have been a bit unclear on our website with respect to the IRC measurement reference.  The rule isn’t intended to place limits on sails, only that measurement rules as defined in the IRC rules are those that should be applied for measurement for NZ PHRF.  Our understanding is the ORc and IRC now use the same measurement processes so anybody familiar with either measurement process need not make any adjustments for our PHRF system.

To calculate a US PHRF given NZ PHRf, below we think yields the closest results :

(650 – (PHRF * 1.286 * 557)) / (PHRF * 1.286)

Where PHRF is the NZ PHRF, a Farr 30 class spec would be 0.825 by way of example.

New Zealand’s PHRF has significant differences to PHRF used in the United States.  We have a base PHRF and a main (or performance) PHRF, each broken down further into short handed, passage (point to point or races over approx 25nm) and inshore (all other racing).  The main PHRF is calculated from the base PHRF but incorporates results information for that boat.  The performance affect can change the PHRF from the base up or down to a maximum of 1.8% of the base.  Using an illustration which may be easier, if a boat has a base PHRF of 0.8, has done five races in the last year sailing overall to a PHRF of 0.75, we’d likely place her PHRF at 0.786 being her base minus the 1.8% that we let her results influence her PHRF.

If gets a deal more complex but the basic concept is a base PHRF being what we believe the design is capable of sailing to and a small component being actual results influence.

In setting the base PHRF, it is a judgement call from the PHRF committee using any information we can get.  That can include overseas handicaps and ratings such is IRC, ORC, the various U.S. PHRF handicaps etc, the groups own observations of the boats, actual results where we think we have a reasonable idea of the quality of the crew racing or measurement comparison with other boats in NZ PHRF.  Mostly we’re working with custom designs and modified class boats so exactly what we use can be very dependent on what information we have.  For common modifications, we have various approaches dependent on the exact modification, some we’re happy with, some are still a work in progress.  We can detail that further but haven’t worried at this stage as it’s a whole document in and of itself and it’s very much a guideline document for the committee, not a set in stone type thing for publication.

We hope this has been of some assistance, please let’s know if we can help further.

Kind regards
PHRF Committee

25 March 2024, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

March 2024

Date:          Monday, March 25, 2024
Time:         1830
Location:   Zoom

  1. Call to Order: 6:33pm
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer;  Bob Horton, Secretary; Ken Madeiro, Committee Member; Ec Helme, Committee Member; Todd Johnston, Committee Member; Vin McAteer, Committee Member; Moose McClintock, Committee Member; Mark Nannini, Committee Member; Randy Shore, Committee Member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator
  3. Approval February 2024 Meeting Minutes: The members present approved the minutes as submitted.
  4. Appeal: 2023: Certificate 17443 – C&C 110, Makai, Alex Hood owner. Alex and Ted Hood appeared to speak regarding their appeal of the existing base rating of 78 for their boat. They presented 2023 race results and their perspective of how the boat was sailed and their performance in relation to other competitors. They were thanked for their participation and informed that they would be notified of the action of the committee regarding this rating.
    The members present discussed the performance of the boat and the experience of members racing against Makai along with the documentation presented by the Hood’s. The consensus was that the boat is sailed well but lacks sail area to compete in the fleets they are assigned to with the current rating in part due to the 98% all-purpose jib that the boat is rating with. The members presented voted to assign a 2024 base of 84 and apply all adjustments as appropriate. The Hood’s will be informed of the change.
  5. Notice of Rating Review: 2023 Certificate 16630 -INTERN’L STAR, Presto, Dwight Escalera owner. Mr. Escalera was invited to the meeting to discuss the manner in which PHRF-NB establishes the rating for his One Design Star sailboat. Mr. Escalera described how they trailer the boat during the summer to various Star Regatta’s and how racing weekly on Narragansett Bay under PHRF keeps them sharp and lets them fine tune their skills. He provided insight comparing his performance to the competition in his fleet. Will Museler explained that PHRF-NB has difficulty in assigning a spinnaker rating to a boat without a spinnaker and the option that a Star would have in asking an organizing authority to place the Star in a spinnaker fleet. Mr Escalera was thanked for his participation and informed that he would be notified of the action of the committee regarding his rating. The committee reviewed the information that was gathered and the ratings from other areas and how the One Design Star was designated either with a spinnaker rating or not. Will had submitted information to the group from NORCAL PHRF in regards to Star ratings. It was agreed and voted on by the members present to take no action on the rating for the Star and to leave the 2023 rating as is for 2024. Mr Escalera will be notified of this decision.
  6. New Base Ratings Needed
    1. 2024 Certificate 17905  – Hinckley Owens 41 Cutter, Brigadoon, Owner Robert Morton. There are 3 models of this boat a sloop, cutter and yawl. This boat was compared to a Rhodes Reliant rating 159, a Rhodes 41 rating 170, a Hinckley pilot rating 171. After a thorough discussion it was agreed by the members present to assign a provisional 2024 rating of 171.
    2. 2024 Certificate, 17930 Alerion Express 38 Sloop, Osprey, Peter Rugg owner. The members question whether this is a dash2 model or a shoal draft model. The Administrator will confirm the information needed. NE has the dash2 rated at 111 and the shoal draft at 117. After a thorough discussion it was agreed by the members present to assign a provisional base 2024 rating of 111 and allow any adjustments to be applied once the model is verified.
    3. 2024 Certificate 17942  – Catalina Capri 22, Delta Flyer, Wayne Morris owner. No action was required as a base of 204 is already in the system under the model Capri 22 Catalina.
  7. Ratings Review: 2023 Certificates to be Reviewed
    1. 2023 Certificate 17804 REICHEL PUGH MARTEN 49 CTM, Pugilist, Dudley Johnson owner, Darris Witham representing this boat requested a review of the 2023 rating prior to submitting a 2024 certificate filing. No additional information from 2023 was submitted that would precipitate a change to the base rating. It was noted by a board member that work may have been performed on the rudder. This will be confirmed by Kathy Rotsky. It was agreed and voted on by the members present to take no action on the rating for Pugilist and to leave the 2023 rating as is for 2024 at -42.
    2. 2023 Certificate 17278 – FREEDOM 30 SD, The 2023 base rating change will be the 2024 base agreed by the members present.
    3. 2023 Certificate 17320 – DUFOUR 45e, Lark. The 2023 base rating change will be the 2024 base agreed by the members present.
    4. 2023 Certificate 17418 – STELLAR 53, Dovetail. The 2023 base rating change will be the 2024 base agreed by the members present.
    5. 2023 Certificate 17513 – DEHLER 42 TM, Ohana. The 2023 base rating change will be the 2024 base agreed by the members present.
    6. 2023 Certificate 17728P – MOODY 41DS, Overcommitted. Agreed by the members present that the 2023 provisional designation be removed for 2024.
    7. 2023 Certificate 17820P – BENETEAU OCEANIS 51.1, Hot Pocket. Agreed by the members present that the 2023 provisional designation be removed for 2024.
    8. 2023 Certificate 17826P – ISLAND PACKET 439, Ripple. Agreed by the members present that the 2023 provisional designation be removed for 2024.
    9. 2023 Certificate 17851P -LEGENDARY HERRESCHOFF BOUNTY, Arrluuk. Agreed by the members present that the 2023 provisional designation be removed for 2024.
    10. 2023 Certificate 17862P -OYSTER 46 Humphrey design, Benediction. Agreed by the members present that the 2023 provisional designation be removed for 2024.
    11. 2023 Certificate 17876P – BROOKLIN BOTIN 43 CTM, Jax. Agreed by the members present that the 2023 provisional designation be removed for 2024.
    12. 2023 Certificate 17877P – S&S 68 YWL CTM, Black Watch. Agreed by the members present that the 2023 provisional designation be removed for 2024.
    13. 2024 Certificate 17915, – J24, Barfly, Rob Lambert owner. It was determined that changes in the size of the sails carried by this boat compared to the standard J24 base rating of 174 would result in standard adjustments of +9 for the reduced jib and -1 for the mainsail area. The members present agreed on these standard adjustments.
  8. Old Business:
    1. Latest status on discussions with US Sailing. No update provided.
    2. Posting of PHRF-NB withholding dues to US Sailing on Website
    3. Status of updates to web page. Roy Guay stated that the request to convert metric to standard and standard to metric were now in place. There is no conversion to square meters only square feet.
  9. New Business:
    1. Review of “Rating Procedures of Narragansett Bay PHRF”. Commodore Kern indicated that he had updated the Rating Procedures with the replacement of the 3 second change notification to certificate holders to now be 6 seconds before notification prior to the change being applied. He asked that the Procedures be review by the board members for any other changes or clarification needed.
    2. Meeting April 29th, 6:30pm – Zoom
  10. Adjournment: Adjourned at 8:10pm