Category: Meeting Minutes

27 February 2024, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

February 2024


Date:           Monday, Feb. 27, 2024
Time:          1830
Location:     Zoom

  1. Call to Order:
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Todd Johnston, Committee Member; Ken Madeiro, Committee Member; Moose McClintock, Committee Member; Mark Nannini, Committee Member; Randy Shore, Committee Member; Matt Smith, Committee Member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator
  3. Approval Meeting Minutes: The members present unanimously approved the November 2023 minutes
  4. Review/Approve Draft of 2024 Annual Meeting: The members present unanimously approved the minutes of the 2024 annual meeting and agreed that they should be posted to the website.
  5. Appeals: None
  6. Rating Reviews:
    1. 2023 Certificate 17324 – BENETEAU FIRST 27, Hawksbill, David Wilson owner. With details provided that the owner is steadily trying to get the boat performing better and observed racing performance that the boat suffers from design weaknesses the members present voted to adjust the bae rating by +6 sec to a new base of 102.
    2. 2023 Certificate 17629 – BROOKLINE EGGEMOGGIN 47+, Tink, Jack Lefort owner. Will Museler provided a detail performance summary of the boats performance at the 2023 Block Island Race Week. Based on this data and other members observation of the boats performance it was agreed by the members present to adjust the base rating by -3 seconds to a new base of 33. Will Museler will notify Mr. Lefort of this change.
    3. 2023 17661 – CAPE 31, Sailing Inc., Martin Kullman owner. The Cape 31 compares well to a Melges 32 and competed against them in the 2023 Block Island Race Week. Although the boats appear similar it appears that the Cape 31 is slower on certain points of sail. Based on board members observations the base ratings for the Melges 32 at 30 and the Cape 31 at 12 are in need of adjustment. The members present agreed and voted to adjust the base rating of the Melges 32 by -3 seconds to 27 and the Cape 31 base rating by +6 secs to 18.
    4. 2023 Certificate 16630 – INTERNATIONAL STAR, Presto, Dwight Escalera owner. The current base rating of 150 is in line with the national rating for this boat. The Star does not sail with a spinnaker and it was noted that the sail configuration is comparable to designs which do carry and fly spinnakers. The organization that this boat races with slots the Star in a non-spinnaker class where it is normally the 1st place boat. The members agreed that the current base rating is correct but that the organization the slots this boat as non-spinnaker should be made aware that the board members believe a review of the fleet assignment should be reviewed. PHRF-NB will notify the organizing Club as well as Mr. Escalera our thoughts on this boat.
    5. 2023 Certificate 17216 – SALONA 380, Cookie Monster, Stephen Hale owner. The members presented voted unanimously to leave the 2023 base rating of 81 in place for 2024.
    6. 2023 Certificate 17221 – MORRIS 36 JUSTINE SD, Corvus, Chris Terejewicz owner. The members presented voted unanimously to leave the 2023 base rating of 165 in place for 2024.
    7. 2023 Certificate 17285 – TARTAN 3700 WK, Salty Dog, Ronald Canizares owner. The members presented voted unanimously to leave the 2023 base rating of 118 in place for 2024.
    8. 2023 Certificate 17552 – BENETEAU OCEANIS 30.1 SD, Willow, Lamie Verdi owner. This boat races weekly in East Greenwich and due to the design of the boat and the limitations of the design to its performance the members present agreed that an adjustment to the base rating of +15 seconds resulting in a new base of 183 would be appropriate.
    9. 2023 Certificate 17581 – BOTIN GP 42 CTM, Settler, Thomas Rich owner. Observation of the performance of this boat was provided by members present. Settler was comparted to the Martin 49 and to Interlodge. The rating appeal by Mr. Rich from September of 2023 was also reviewed. After a discussion it was agreed by the members present to leave the base rating at -30 and apply all of the existing adjustments. Keep Provisional status
    10. 2023 Certificate 17715 – ARCHAMBAULT 40RC, Banter, Matthew Gimple owner. After a discussion of the boat it was agreed by the members present to leave the base rating at 39 and remove the provisional status of the certificate.
    11. 2023 Certificate 17719 – SWAN 48, K7, Simon Wilson owner. After a discussion of the boat it was agreed by the members present to leave the base rating at -9 and leave the provisional status on the certificate.
    12. 2023 Certificate 17210 – SVP L30, Ellementary, Diane Reid owner. It was noted that this boat had structural issues and that repairs are being undertaken. After a discussion of the boat it was agreed by the members present to leave the base rating at 54.
  7. Old Business
    1. Latest status on discussions with US Sailing – It was agreed by the members present that PHRF-NB would not pay the 2024 US Sailing membership dues and that a statement would be posted on the PHRF-NB website of the action taken by the PHRF-NB board.
    2. Status of updates to web page was provided by Roy Guay. The current modification allowing conversion from metric to standard is in development.
    3. Updated 2024 meeting calendar was reviewed and accepted by the members present.
  8. New Business:
    1. Meeting March 25th – Zoom
    2. Will Museler has reviewed the rating adjustment list s of other PHRF sites and will send out to the board members for comments.
    3. The 2024 certificate applications will be made available on Friday March 1.
  9. Adjournment: members present voted to adjourn at 8:28pm

24 January 2024, Annual PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

Performance Handicap Racing Fleet
Narragansett Bay (PHRF-NB)

2024 Annual Meeting

DateWednesday, January 24, 2024
Attendees:  PHRF-NB Board and Committee
e:  1830
Location:  Zoom Meeting at East Greenwich Yacht Club

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call – Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ec Helme, Committee Member; Todd Johnston, Committee Member; Vin McAteer, Committee Member; Mark Nannini, Committee Member; Mathew Smith, Committee Member
  3. Approval of 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes – Noted that the date on the 2023 minutes was incorrectly presented as 2025. Correction made.
  4. Treasurers Report – presented by Treasurer Roy Guay. After discussion the treasurers report was accepted as presented.
  5. Nomination of Officers – The offices listed were approved on a voice vote by those present.
    Officers nominated with committee approval.

    1. Commodore – Don Kern
    2. Rating Chairman – Will Museler
    3. Treasurer – Roy Guay
    4. Secretary – Bob Horton
  6. Proposed Changes for 2024 Season – the items listed here were accepted with changes noted.
    1. There are no changes proposed to PHRF-NB Regulations 2024 from last year’s 2023 regulations
    2. PRINCIPLES OF PHRF OF NARRAGANSETT BAY, change to subparagraph 3 Associate Membership is presented for approval:“3.3  Associate membership is open to any person who has a genuine interest in furthering the objectives of PHRF-NB.
      a)  For an organization involved in youth sail training an Associate membership may be considered by the Executive Council with approval of up to three (3) certificates at no cost.”The proposal of this change to section 3.3 was approved.
    3. Board Meetings dates adjustment: to coincide with heavy volume of requests for certificates.
      1. Annual meeting: third Wednesday of January
      2. February through May & September through November: Last Monday of month at 1830
      3. June through August: second and last Monday of month at 1830 to 1930.
  7. PHRF-NB discussions with US Sailing – on their lack of support to the regional PHRF organizations:US SAILING has failed to support the regional PHRF organizations in many areas that were found to be useful in the past.  Specifically, since Fall of 2022, PHRF-NB has been asking for the following actions in our meetings with US Sailing:
    • VPP help on new designs looking for ratings
    • Facilitate meetings on a national basis so that regions can collaborate
    • Expand the online tools available and have tutorials on how to implement them
    • Update the “PHRF Handicaps Book” listing with new boat models, built after 2017
    • Access to the boat data on US Sailing for all regions.

    The impact of not paying was discussed, since it appears there is an option to not pay membership dues currently available to the regions.  It was noted that insurance for local level US Sailing race officials, is no longer available.
    It was agreed that Rating Chairman, Will Museler, will draft a letter to US Sailing explaining that PHRF-NB will be withholding dues payment until answers to our questions and updating of the Handicap Book.
    Also, noted was the lawsuit that US Sailing has initiated against AMERICAONE, INC.

  8. Open Discussion: Moose McClintock has submitted a request to re-join the board of PHRF-NB which was unanimously agreed to by the board.Additions to the PHRF-NB platform are being worked on these include: test certificates, connecting Mail Chimp to our database, archiving of revised certificates, and the switch between units of measurement (US standard / metric).It was also decided by the committee that if applicant does not include all requested data to complete their certificate, their application fee will be forfeited.
  9. Adjournment: Motion made to adjourn, seconded and passed.

27 November 2023, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

November 2023

Date:         Monday, November 27, 2023
Time:         1830
Location:   Zoom

Call to Order: 6:33pm

Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ken Madeiro, Committee Member; Vin McAteer, Committee Member; Mark Nannini, Committee Member; Matt Smith, Committee member; Ec Helme, Committee Member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator.

Approval Meeting Minutes: Minutes of the October 23, 2023 regular meeting and the Special Meeting on November 13 were seconded and approved as presented.

Appeals: None

Ratings Review:

Boats to be reviewed, of the boats that Commodore Kern listed as Provisional or Base changed over the Winter 2024 meetings (see list at end of minutes) 4 were selected for review.
Beneteau 1st 27 – Hawksbill
Eggemoggin 47 –Tink
Cape 31 – Sailing Inc
Star models

Old Business:

  1. Roy updated status of new web page from his 6Square Waiting for the metric to standard conversion to be implemented. Also upload files into the certificates is now working. Roy will provide a complete list of open items on the punch list.
  2. Board Meetings dates adjustment:
    1. Annual meeting: third Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 1830 was agreed on.
    2. February through May & September through November: Last Monday of month at 1800
    3. June through August: second and last Monday of month at 1800 last until 1930.

New Business:

    1. Annual meeting January 24. 2024 – at East Greenwich YC upon confirmation by Vin McAteer
    2. Update to Rules and Instructions for the annual meeting – it was agreed that there are no changes to be communicated.
    3. Results of the scheduled November Zoom meeting with US Sailing: Matthew Gallagher (US Sailing Board member), Ed Cesare (Offshore Chair), Andrew Clouston (SVP Programs & Services) and Tom Barnes (PHRF Chair) will be shared once the meeting is held. Ahead of the meeting a communication was received from Tom Barnes: “I recently had a long talk with Jim Teeters about what the Offshore office can accomplish in the near term and about setting some standards that fleets need to agree to in order to become PHRF fleets.”
    4. PHRF-NB Points agreed to be brought to the discussion of PHRF
      • VPP help on new designs looking for ratings
      • Help in trying to make PHRF a multi-number rule vs a single number
      • Facilitate meetings on a National basis so that regions can collaborate
      • Expand the online tools available and have tutorials on how to implement them
      • Update the “PHRF Handicaps Book” listing with new boat models, built after 2017
      • Does US Sailing support rating appeals
      • Status of US Sailing Insurance Program

Adjournment: 7:15pm

24 October 2023, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

October 2023

Date:          Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Time:         1800
Location:   Sardella’s, Newport Dinner Meeting

    1. Meeting Called to Order: 7:15pm
    2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman;  Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Randy Shore, committee member;  Mark Nannini, committee member; Matt Smith, committee member; Todd Johnston, committee member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator
    3. Commodore Kern thanks the members for continuing support and efforts to insure the timely and difficult task of rating boats for certificates in 2023.
    4. A discussion of the amount of time during peak new certificate submissions resulted in a suggestion of having 2 meetings during peak months that would run from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. It was suggested that if possible could comps and regression be supplied for new boats prior to the meetings. The members were in favor of this suggestion as current meetings during peak volumes run longer than most members like.
    5. Approval Meeting Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes of the September 25, 2023 with updates was unanimously passed.
    6. Next meeting: November 27, 6:30pm
    7. Meeting adjourned at 8:54pm

25 September 2023, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

September 2023

Date:          Monday, September 25, 2023
Time:         1830
Location:   Zoom

I.  Call to Order: 6:40pm

II.  Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman;  Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ken Madeiro, committee member;  Mark Nannini, committee member; Matt Smith, committee member; Ec Helme, committee member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator

III.  Approval Meeting Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes of the August 28, 2023 with updates was unanimously passed.

IV.  Appeals:

  1. 2023 Certificate 17581 – Botin GP 42 Carkeek Partheners, Settler, Tom Rich, owner appealing. Very thorough documentation was presented by Mr. Rich detailing his ORC and IRC ratings and comparing to newer similar boats. Although this was the 1st full season of racing and the boat is still awaiting new sails Mr. Rich felt his rating is not consistent with similar boats and Greg Stewart of Nelson Merick Yacht Design provided a review and calculated a PHRF of -36. The members present thanked Mr. Rich for his submission and documentation and he left the meeting. The members then reviewed his performance at BIRW against the IC37 which rate -9. The conversion program for IRC ends up at -35 and the conversion for ORC ends up at -57. A comparison to Temptation a Ker 50 which rates     -39 was also considered. It is noted that the largest adjust to the current base of-45 is under spinnaker area where Settler caries Asymmetrical as well as a Symmetrical spinnakers. The members present agreed to a provisional rating of -30 which ends up as a sailing rating of -40.

V.  Follow Up Ratings Review:

  1. 2023 Certificate 17675 – BENETEAU 35s5 TM, Breathless, Anthony Boitano owner. This boat was given a provisional base rating for the tall mast version of 117 in August but we are still waiting for final sail measurements.
  2. 2023 Certificate 17845 – Arey’s Custom 22, XFC, Robin Davis owner. This boat was previously rated with a provisional base of 238.
  3. 2023 Certificate 17851 – AARLUUK, 2000 legendary Herreshoff Bounty, Stephen Frary owner. After a thorough discussion the members present agreed to a provisional base of 64.
  4. 2023 Certificate 17862 – Benediction, Oyster 46, Philip Cabaud owner. After a thorough discussion the members present agreed to a provisional base of 114.
  5. 2023 Certificate 17876 – Jax, Brooklin Botin 43 CTM, Collin Leon owner. After an initial discussion the members proposed a provisional base of 23. However, regression calculates this boat to -3. Comparing to Melges at -42 or Settler at -30 and Tink at 36. After a thorough discussion the members present agreed to a provisional base of -21.
  6. 2023 Certificate 17877 – Black Watch, S&S 68 Yawl, Kyle Dufur owner. After a thorough discussion the members present agreed to a provisional base of 23.

VI.  Ratings Review:

  1. Boats to be reviewed, Winter 23-24 candidates. The list compiled by Commodore Kern will be reviewed over the winter.

VII.   Old Business:

  1. Roy’s update on status of new web page from his 6Square
  2. Base Handicaps / Standard Boat listing 1,980 models (237 models not found within the US Sailing list). Also need method/macro to add measurements to Standard Boat list.

VIII.  New Business:

  1. For programming purposes the mainsail table doesn’t cover what to do if the size is beyond the limits; -20% and +20%. To be reviewed over the winter.
  2. Adjustment for Hoyt boom; a smaller sail, more weight and less range of adjustment. To be reviewed during the winter.
  3. Meeting Oct. tbd – Availability on 10/24/23 of The Gulf Stream Bar and Grille will be checked by Kathy.

IX.  Adjournment: Adjourned at 8:36pm



28 August 2023, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

August 28, 2023

Date:          Monday, August 28, 2023
Time:         1830
Location:   Zoom

I.  Call to Order: 6:50pm

II. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Ken Madeiro, Committee Member; Vin McAteer, Committee Member; Mark Nannini, Committee Member; Randy Shore, Committee Member; Matt Smith, Committee Member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator

III.  Approval Meeting Minutes: members present made a motion and seconded to accept the July minutes as presented.

IV.  Appeals:
a) 2023 Certificate 17278 – Freedom 30 SD, Serendipity, Gary Venable, owner appealing 2023 PHRF-NB rating. Mr. Venable presented his case using comparisons to various other PHRF-NB rated boats such as Catalina 30’s, Nonsuch 30’s and Pearson 30’s. He had a lot of data and reviewed how well his boat is prepare including his sail program and bottom cleaning schedule. He indicated that he sails with a crew of 2. He also reviewed the scoring process for the Jamestown YC series that he races in where he normally races every race in a series. He is in a non-spinnaker fleet with a rating band of 110 to 290. Mr. Venable was thanked for his presentation and told that his rating will be reviewed and he will be notified of the Committee’s decision this week.

The members presented began a detailed discussion and review of this appeal. It was noted that on a long course with reaching legs this boat can do well but on a windward leeward course it will not do as well. This past year in the JYC Series the wind was much lighter than in past years which would affect this boats performance. Although this is a shoal draft boat the crew never gets on the rail. Mr Venable would like his sailing rating to be 209 the members present noted that his non-standard jib was never identified in his presentation. The members present agreed to change his base rating to 193 which would result in a sailing rating of 203 replacing his existing sailing rating of 199.

2023 Certificate 17417 – Farr 30 Das Blau Max, Mark Serti, owner filing a technical appeal. Mr. Serti was asked by the committee to provide details of the increase of 249 kg in the weight that is described in his appeal where 89 kg is in the form of ballast Mr. Serti described adding and including, bottom paint, electronics, batteries, a bilge pump, a solid boom vang and a halyard making up the added weight. He indicated that much of what he is doing is to obtain a more favorable rating under ORC which in 2024 will hold a major regatta that he will compete in. Mr. Serti was thanked for his presentation and told that his rating will be reviewed and he will be notified of the Committee’s decision this week.

The members presented began a detailed discussion and review of this appeal, it was noted that modifying a boat to improve another rating system such as OCR does not necessarily have the same effect on PHRF. The items detailed by Mr. Serti as adding weight are normal items that any boat owner might add or improve on while prepping a boat to race. The members present agreed to an additional 1 sec adjustment for the added ballast to bring the total adjustment for weight to 2 seconds. The base rating of the boat will not change and remains 51.

V.  Follow Up Ratings Review:

a)  2023 Certificate 17675 – BENETEAU 35s5 TM, Breathless, Anthony Boitano owner. The standard height mast for this model is rated at a base of 129 but upon review it was agreed that the standard mast model of the Beneteau 35s5 should be 123. The only difference between the standard and tall mast are the normal measurement differences. It was agreed to apply the 6 second adjustment for the tall mast on this boat which sets the base rating at 117. The members present agreed on the base rating of 117.
b) 2023 Certificate 17771 – Cherubini 48, Victoria, Richard Sammons owner. Numerous attempts to contact Mr. Sammons for the measurements needed to rate this boat have failed and the members present agreed to cancel this certificate and refund the application fee to Mr. Sammons and thank him for applying for a certificate.

 VI.  Ratings Review:

2023 Certificate 17820 – Beneteau Oceania 51.1, Hot Pocket, Angelo Bianco owner. Regression application calculates a rating of 46 for this boat. This boat was compared to C’est Bon a Beneteau Sense 50 which was previously rated at 60. Various other Beneteaus in the same size range were reviewed that showed a range between 50 and 60 as their base. The members present agreed a base of 54 for this boat.

2023 Certificate 17826 – Island Packet 439, Ripple, Roger Nuss owner. This is a new model identified as having a solent rig. The most forward sail on a roller furler is listed as a 150% and the inner headsail on a club foot boom is listed as 90%. This is hull number 16 of this new model. The members present question whether the forward sail is a code zero or a reaching genoa. To tack this sail it would need to be furled 1st and then unfurled. The regression program calculates to 127. It was compared to other Island Packet models of 38, 40, 420 and 45 which are cutter rigs. After a lengthy discussion the members present agreed on the base rating of 144.

VII.  Old Business:

a.  Roy’s updated on status of changes on the new web page from his 6Square All committee members can now see the comments for certificate in the queue. The base handicaps can now be viewed and changes are allowed. Commodore Kern will review and update the 3 sources that we have for base handicaps, dates of updates will be associated with changes.
b. Roy reported that the treasury currently has a balance of approximately $30,000.


VIII.  New Business:

a)  Randy Shore indicated that he has been receiving calls from Dudley Johnson owner of Pugelist but has not spoken with him. Randy is not sure why he is calling but suspects it may be in regards to the rating of the boat. A previous review of the performance and rating vs. boat sailed at the same level of skipper and crew indicated solid performance but when competing against higher caliber crews and skippers Pugelist is not as competitive.
b)  November meeting location to be at the Gulfstream in Portsmouth. Kathy Rotsky to check on dates and member availability.
c)  Meeting Sep 25th – will be on Zoom

IX.  Adjournment:

31 July 2023, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

July 31, 2023

Date:          Monday, July 31, 2023
Time:         1830
Location:   Zoom

I.  Call to Order: 6:30pm

II.  Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ec Helme, Committee Member; Mark Nannini, Committee Member;  Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator

III.  Approval Meeting Minutes: Motion made and seconded to accept the updated minutes of the June 2023 minutes as presented.

IV.  Appeals:

a) 2023 Certificate 17317 – REICHEL PUGH 66, Boudicca, Richard Moody owner appealing current rating of -111. This boat was previously named Blue Yankee.  It compares to Zaraffa a R/66  that was built in 2000 while Boudicca was built in 2006. Zaraffa’s last rating in 2015 was -96 base. The boat races in Jamestown in the spinnaker fleet using its non-spinnaker rating and sailing as a non-spinnaker boat. It takes line honors but finishes far down in the fleet due to its rating. It is preparing for the Ida Lewis Distance Race and Sail for Hope. Mr. Moody presented his case via Zoom and answered questions from the members present. After Mr. Moody dropped off the meeting and long and thorough discussion followed. The members present agreed and voted to adjust the base rating of the boat to -105.

V.  Follow Up Ratings Review:

  1. 2023 Certificate 17669 – Botin 45, Base rating of 63 assigned June meeting pending mainsail girths being provided.
  2. 2023 Certificate 17648 – Moody DS45, Liberty, Ryan Yost, owner. The leech measurement for the spinnaker needs to be requested along with the ISP measurement. A base rating of 81 pending the missing measurements being provided.
  3. 2023 Certificate 17649 – Valiant 50, Miss Red, Victor Pinheiro, owner. Measurements appear inaccurate. It appears Miss Red is a standard Valiant 50. Members present voted unanimously to assign a base rating of 105 pending missing/actual measurements being provided.
  4. 2023 certificate17696 – JUDEL/VROLIJK HH 42, Jigs Up, Wes Pelland owner. Previously rated at -21 base. New configuration with some significant changes. Regression calculates ORC converts to -55. At June Meeting members voted do a more thorough review before issuing a new base rating. Upon receiving the information needed the base rating for the boat remains at -21.

VI.  Ratings Review:

  1. 2023 Certificate in queue – Cherubini 48, Victoria, (staysail schooner), Richard Sammons owner. Mr. Sammons has been contacted 3 times to obtain additional information to allow this boat to be rated and he has not responded. The members presented voted to hold off rating this boat until the information requested was provided.
  2. 2023 Certificate 17785 – HANSE 430e SD, Helios, Robert Connerney owner. The owner reported that he has replace the standing rigging with a more robust and heavier standing rigging. The members present agree to assign and adjustment of +1 second for the rigging. The base rating for the boat remains at 71.
  3. 2023 Certificate 17715 – Archambault 40RC, Banter Matthew Gimple owner. The RC is a version of the 40 which carries an Asym and is 6 sec faster than the RC which carries both an Asym and a symmetrical spinnaker. This is a deep draft boat and has a sprit added to carry bigger Asym than the symmetrical. YRALIS has the RC rated at 39. ECYS has this model rated 39 and NE has a base of 36 for this model. The pole appears as oversized but is actually the standard pole for the boat. It was agreed by the members present to assign a provisional base rating of 39.
  4. Swan 48, K7, Simon Wilson owner. 2022 model, compares to a Hinckley Bermuda 50 and a Baltic 50 which has a base of -21. It is also comparable to a J160 rating -9 which although similar the rigs are different. The main is undersized on this boat as well as the spinnaker being undersized. The Club Swan rates -6 and the Farr 40 Turbo rates -11. It was agreed by the members present to assign a provisional base rating of -9.
  5. 2023 Certificate 17728 – Moody41DS, Overcommitted, Alan Baines owner. Hanse has bought the Moody line and this is a 2022 model. The owner has listed the boat as a cutter on his certificate but it appears it may be a solent rig. The owner lists a 120% headsail which is questionable based on review of pictures of this model. The measurements of this sail is needed to determine if any adjustments are necessary. It has an in mast mainsail and measurements of this sail are also needed to determine if any adjustments are necessary. Regression comes out to 83, it compares to a Hanse 445 at 89. It was agreed by the members present to assign a provisional base rating of 83.

VII.  Old Business

  1. Roy provided an update on status of new web page from his 6Square Only 2 of the 5 items submitted have been completed at this time. The company remains responsive to Roy. The conversion from standard to metric is a new improvement suggested by Will. Roy has given Long Island Sound PHRF the name of 6Square as a possible new customer.
  2. Changes to Base ratings in 2023 thru June are listed.

VIII.  New Business:

  1. Calculating reaching headsail adjustments correctly. It was agreed that all the adjustments should be added up and applied to the spinnaker rating.
  2. Meeting Aug 28th – Zoom

IX.  Adjournment: 8:47pm

26 June 2023, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

Monday, June 26, 2023

Date:           Monday, June 26, 2023
Time:          1830
Location:     Zoom

    1. Call to Order: 6:40pm
    2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer;  Ken Madeiro, committee member; Mark Nannini, committee member; Randy Shore, committee member; Matt Smith, committee member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator
    3. Approval Meeting Minutes: May 2023 minutes, members present seconded and voted to accept as presented
    4. Appeals: Non3
    5. Ratings Review:
      1. 2023 Certificate 17669 – Botin 45, (BP-Botin Partners) Azulito, Rob MacMillan owner. This model is similar to the Botin 44 only 800mm longer. The Botin 44 rates -60, it compares to a Carkeek 47 rating -75, RP 60 Laura rating-60, Irie II rating -57. The 45 has a bigger rig and spinnaker. After discussion by the members present voted unanimously to assign a base rating of 63 pending mainsail girths being provided.
      2. 2023 Certificate 17513 – Dehler 42, Ohana, Ken Wisdom owner. At previous meeting discrepancies in the basic information needed to be clarified, particularly the JC & SPL. The information was received as requested allowing the base rating of 48 to be finalized and assigned by the members present.
      3. 2023 Certificate 17417 – Farr 30, Das Blau Max, Mark Sertl owner, reported an increase displacement of 249kgs (11.8%) without specifying the location of the added weight. The members present asked that Kathy request the information with pictures, drawings or sketch along with the previous ORC stability rating to be compared to the new submitted rating.
      4. 2023 Certificate 17685 – Beneteau First 36.7, Five East, Ed Adams owner, increased JC and ISP. The prod on the boat has been extended and the SPL is different than a production. The spinnaker is class sized but 4 feet higher than standard, this conversion gets a 13 second credit and it was agreed that the extended prod get a -2 second adjustment. After discussion by the members present voted unanimously to accept these adjustments.
      5. 2023 Certificate 17648 – Moody DS45, Liberty, Ryan Yost, owner. Regression calculations come out as 62. This boat was compared to Hanse 44.5, Beneteau Oceanis 461 and Moody 45AC. It has a masthead asymmetrical spinnaker tacked to the bow roller. The leech measurement for the spinnaker needs to be requested along with the ISP measurement. After discussion by the members present voted unanimously to assign a base rating of 81 pending the missing measurements being provided.
      6. 2023 Certificate 17649 – Valiant 50, Miss Red, Victor Pinheiro, owner. This certificate has measurements that appear inaccurate. The owner has a New England certificate with the same measurements. It appears that this is actually a standard Valiant 50, as such is was compared to similar boats. After discussion by the members present voted unanimously to assign a base rating of 105 pending missing/actual measurements being provided.
      7. 2023 Certificate 17661 – Cape 31, Sailing Inc. 1, Martin Kullman, owner. This is a new certificate for PHRF-NB. 2 of these boats raced at BIRW rating 9 and finished 4th & 5th respectively for the week with a known boats Tink taking 1 a Farr 40, 2 and Irie 3. Observations noted that they sailed upwind with the IC37 and downwind with the C&C 30’s. They were sailed by professionals. Regression calculated a rating of 18. This is a new boat looking to establish a fleet in New England with class measurements. After discussion by the members present voted unanimously to assign a base rating of 12
      8. 2023 Certificate 17688 – Tartan 4300, Grace, Paul Norton owner. Regression calculates as 77. Questions came up in reviewing other Tartans with various configurations in our base ratings have very similar ratings. This boat was compared to a 41C Dehler rating 93 base, Sabre 42.6 rating 81 base and Sabre 45.2 along with a Baltic 42 centerboard with87 base. After discussion by the members present voted unanimously to assign a base rating of 87.
      9. 2023 Certificate 17696 – HH 42, Jigs Up, Wes Pelland owner. This is a boat previously rated at -21 base. The boat has been modified and the new configuration was described with some significant changes. Regression calculates at -47 ORC rating convert to -55. After discussion by the members present voted unanimously agreed to look at the modifications and do a more thorough review before issuing a new base rating.
    6. Old Business
      1. Roy’s update on status of new web page from his discussions with Dan. Standard measurements for class main numbers are now automated. Roy to review emails to update other items under discussion.
    7. New Business:
      1. When an owner reports specifications that we can determine are in error, case in point; Alerion 28 or a 28-2. Will has contacted owner and determined that based on the builder number the displacement of the boat in question was incorrect. This will be corrected and a new certificated issued at no cost.
      2. Will’s detailed a call from Jay Tyson“ to chat about the next generation of VPP supported PHRF ratings. Works with both ORC & ORR and is essential free.” This is new program that seems to start in the right direction but may be influenced by less than stellar individual boat performance.
      3. FYI that North Sails has purchased Yacht Scoring.
      4. Meeting July 31 @ 6;30pm – Zoom
    8. Adjournment:

24 May 2023, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

May 22, 2023

Date:           Monday, May 24, 2023
Time:          1830
Location:    Zoom


  1. Call to Order:^:30pm
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ec Helme, committee member; Ken Madeiro, committee member; Mark Nannini, committee member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator.
  3. Approval Meeting Minutes: A motion was made to accept the April 2023 minutes as presented, a seconded was made and members present voted to accept the minutes
  4. Appeals: None
  5. Ratings Review:
    1. 2023 Certificate Swan 55 CC TM, Haerlem, was withdrawn as the boat sustained damage in a fire.
    2. Rating adjustments for J109 Mainsail. The adjustments for the J109 and J105 have been added to the website calculations.
    3. 2023 Certificate 17320 – Dufour 45e Performance, Lark, Jason Walsh owner. This boat compares to a J46 base rating 39 and a Grand Solei 45 rating 39 or 45-2 base rating 45. This is a deep keel tall mast. Regression calculates to 46 After discussion the members present voted to assign a base rating of 42.
    4. 2023 Certificate 17374– Saffier 24L, Sorpasso, Peter Vessella owner. This boat was compared to a variety of other boats such as an Olson 25, Melges 24, J24, J80, J30, and Soling. Members viewed the promotional information available online showing a deep keel with a bulb, below deck furler, carbon mast, square top main. After discussion the members present voted to assign a base rating of 141.
    5. 2023 Certificate XXXXX – 30 Sq. Meter, Bijou II, Chris Bouzaid owner. After reviewing the draft certificate and after discussion the members presented voted to request additional information regarding this boat and the modifications that are believed to have been omitted from the certificate. Kathy Rotsky will call the owner to obtain this information. Subsequently the owner withdrew his request for a certificate and his $50.00 was refunded.
    6. 2023 Certificate 17418 – Stellar 53, Dovetail, Stellar 53 (S&S Design built by Davie Norris and Christchurch, New Zealand) Bill Barlow owner. This is a center cockpit boat that compares to a Passport 51 which has a base rating of 96. It was also compared to a Gulfstar 50. After discussion the members present voted to assign a base rating of 90.
    7. 2023 Certificate 17443 – C&C 110, Makai, Ted Hood owner. Owner submitted a detailed description of the change in the size of the mainsail. This change falls under our normal adjustments. After discussion the members present voted to assign a base rating of 78 and the noted adjustments would be applied. The owner also asked for a review of his rating against other boats he competes against. The members present will have Kathy Rotsky notify Ted Hood that he should file an appeal of his rating to have a review.
    8. 2023 Certificate 17513- Dehler 42, Ohana, Ken Wisdom owner. 42, Discrepancies in the basic information provided need to be clarified, particularly the JC & SPL. This is a design with a non-overlapping jib and below deck furler. It has a tall carbon fiber mast but listed standard draft which also needs verification. It was compared to a Frers 45. If the information requested is verified the members present voted to assign a base rating of 48.
    9. Expedited Certificate XXXXX – XP44 Sonrisa, XXXXX YRALIS rates these models at 21.  It was noted that these are faster than a J44. This is a deep keel version with a standard rig and an asym. It also compares to a J133 which has a true sprit. Roy did a comparison to the J133 and calculated 10 while compared to the J44 the XP compared to 24 and overall 17 to a range of similar boats. Agreed to base of 21 via email documentation.  (I don’t find a certificate on file for this boat)
    10. Clarification of 2022 certificates 16326 the Beneteau First SE Hawksbill and certificate 16993 First 27 Benutii was confirmed via email review and Beneteau First 27E removed from the database.
  6. Old Business:
    1. Roy’s updated the status of new web page from his April discussions. The programmer has been very responsive to making changes and corrections such as the J109 & 105 mainsail calculations. A number of the fixes that Roy submitted have been implemented. Roy noted that some expedited requests are not deemed as necessary but boat owners have been willing to pay extra for the service.
    2. Youth Sail Training certificates fee. The limit of three (3) free certificates will be added to the PHRF-NB Articles and presented at the 2024 annual meeting for a vote
    3. Rating of Bloopers – 2023 Certificate Mischief, Sequin 40CTM, Dave Schwartz, question if he lists the sail will there be an adjustment to his rating? It was agreed by the members present that Mischief would not have any rating adjustment for their 2023 certificate if they chose to fly this sail.
  7. New Business:
    1. East End (Long Island Sound) ORC This was the review of the article that Will Museler sent out to the board. The options and reasoning behind the change noted were discussed along with some pros and cons of using ORC. PHRF-NB is not currently looking to suggest this as an option for our certificate holders.
    2. Boats not carrying a spinnaker onboard are receiving a spinnaker rating. A decision was made by the members present to eliminate the spinnaker rating for boats that do not supply spinnaker measurements. A discussion of Freedoms able to use the Hoyt gun mount spinnaker system and Nonsuch boats did not alter the decision to only provide spinnaker ratings that provide measurements.
    3. Next Meeting June 26th – Zoom
  8. Adjournment: 8:42pm

24 April 2023, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

April 2023

Date:           Monday, April. 24, 2023
Time:          1830
Location:     Zoom

  1. Call to Order:
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ec Helme, committee member; Vin McAteer, committee member;  Mark Nannini, committee member;  Randy Shore, committee member;  Matt Smith, committee member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator
  3. Approval Meeting Minutes: members present seconded voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the March 2023
  4. Appeals: None
  5. Ratings Review:
    1. 2023 Certificate 17210 Ellementary, SVP L30, Diane Reid owner. This boat model has an ORC base of 54 and compares to a Farr 30 with an ORC rating of 51 base. It is rating with a non-overlapping headsail. The mainsail on this boat is 290.6 sq. ft. while the ORC certificate has it at 293 sq. ft. It carries an asymmetrical spinnaker of 882 sq. ft. as the standard. After discussion the members presented voted to assign a provisional rating of 51.
    2. 2023 Certificate 17197 Fearless, Jeanneau Sun Fast 3300, Phil Haydon, owner. This is the boat formally named Alchemist that was previously rated with a base of 63. After discussion the members presented voted to assign the same base rating of 63.
    3. 2023 Certificate 17216 Cookie Monster, Salona 380, Stephen Hale, owner. The owner provided ratings from PHRF Chesapeake showing a rating of 75/78 and an ORC rating of 597.7 which the members considered to be suspect. Chesapeake rates a J35 at 72 and PHRF-NB rate a J35 at 75. This boat compares to a J35. YRALIS rates this model at 78.It compares to an X382. After discussion the members presented voted to assign a provisional rating of 81.
    4. Question as to whether a J-46, should receive a roller furling credit. After discussion the members presented voted to assign a roller furling credit to J-46’s if reported on the certificate.
    5. 2023 Certificate 17221 Corvus, Morris 36 Justine SD, Chris Terajewicz owner. There are 3 of these models registered. Corvus has a tall mast but a Sheel shoal draft keel. After discussion the members presented agreed that the base of the shoal draft should be used and adjusted for the tall mast a provisional rating of 165 was assigned.
    6. 2023 Certificate XXXXX Saltydog, Tartan 3700 WK, This is the winged keel model which compares to the Tartan 37-2 which has a base of 129. The standard keel model of this boat has a base of 106. This boat is sailing with a 110% headsail. After discussion the members presented voted to assign a provisional rating of 118.
    7. Morris M36 and Morris MSD, discussion of Morris models that were rated incorrectly. The boat Pearl was rated as a shoal draft in 2019 but is not a shoal draft and has not submitted a 2023 certificate request. It was determined that all Morris shoal draft models are currently rated correctly.
    8. 2023 Certificates 17246 & 17421 Leonessa, Baltic 42 DP CB, Raymond DeLeo owner. Replaced rudder, see below email and photos. After discussion the members presented agreed more research on the weight difference is needed to determine if any adjustment is required.
  6. Old Business:
    1. Roy’s update on status of new web page from his March discussions. A punch list of items to address is being prepared. The developer suggests that the database be moved to a different server and this will be done shortly.
  7. New Business:
    1. Rating of Bloopers – 2023 Certificate Mischief, Sequin 40CTM, Dave Schwartz, owner found a blooper and question if he lists the sail will there be an adjustment to his rating? Will will check other PHRF sites to see how these are handled.
    2. May meeting will be on the 22nd – via Zoom
  8. Adjournment: Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 8:36pm and passed on vote.



Dear Ratings Committee,

Concerning my PHRF-NB renewal application I noted that my original fiberglass rudder built by Baltic Yachts in Finland was changed to a carbon fiber one. The reasons for doing so were precipitated by being struck and broken beyond repair (see IMG_7251, 6219 & 6290 attached) by a pilot whale on 6/30/22 on the return trip from Bermuda following the 2022 Newport Bermuda Race. Shortly after arrival and hauling at the Hincklety facility in Portsmouth I began seeking proposals for a replacement first from Baltic Yachts learning that it would be cost prohibitive to have one fabricated and shipped from Finland, then GMT in Bristol who wouldn’t fabricate one in fiberglass, only carbon fiber and would not remove the broken one or install a new one, Hinckley Yachts were too busy and did not give me an estimate.


I contacted Moore Bros., also located in Bristol, and was advised that a fiberglass one would cost almost the same as a carbon one due to there being more labor costs and not be as strong as a carbon fiber one. I was also interested in returning my vessel to service as soon as possible in an attempt to salvage what was left of the season. Moore Bros. were also going to remove the old rudder and then install the new one after fabrication. They had the original specifications from Baltic in their computer system and w measure the old rudder to verify the information.


In the interest of time and the fact that the new rudder would be the same exact dimensions as the original but stronger made my decision easier. I have attached pictures of the original broken rudder (IMG_6109) and the new one (IMG_7259).


It should be noted that any additional weight savings are miniscule when compared to the 27,000 LB vessel with the addition of AC, electric winches, two refrigeration systems, etc. since the vessel was first launched and weighed. It should also be noted that my 2023 PHRF-NE and 2023 ORR ratings did not change as result of the new rudder.


It is hard enough for older heavier built vessels such as mine to compete against more modern, lighter vessels on the shorter in shore and coastal race courses without having the burden a being penalized for such a minor change in weight.


Please feel free to contact me if your committee is in need of any further information or clarifications.


Best regards,

Ray DeLeo