Category: Meeting Minutes

27 March 2023, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

March 2023

Date:          Monday, March. 27, 2023
Time:         1830
Location:   Zoom


  1. Call to Order: 6:48pm
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore: Will Museler, Rating Chairman: Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ec Helme, Committee Member; Mark Nannini, Committee Member; Randy Shore, Committee Member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator
  3. Approval Meeting Minutes: Minutes of the February 2022 meeting seconded and approved by the members present.
  4. Appeals: None
  5. Ratings: Review Request:
    1. Sunfast 3300 Will described his discussion with Jonathan Banks at Bluenose Yacht Sales in reference to the Sunfast 33’s to obtain the manufactures specifications for the dimensions of these boats. Will has obtained the base sail plan measurements for the Sunfast 3300. New boats will be using the square top main.
    2. In addition Marshall Bailey of Kingdom Marine acting on behalf of Jonathan Banks, requested the committee supply the rating impact of lengthening the sprit on a new owner’s Sunfast 3300. Which we have not acted on.
  6. Ratings Review:
    1. Certificate 16914 – X50 – Odyssey – Members agreed that the performance issue that the boat experiences is due to the conversion to an asymmetrical spinnaker. In Feb meeting motion was made and seconded to leave the base and adjustments as is for the 2023 season. Will Museler revisited the adjustment chart for converting from a symmetrical to an a-symmetrical spinnaker which gives more credit to heavier boats and benefits cruisers who tack an asymmetrical sail forward of the headstay but within the J measurement guidelines.
    2. Certificate 16992, Liberty, Pogo 36, email from Wes Pelland. The members present agreed that since this boat provided no racing results no action will be taken. Based on the ORC rating the PHRF-NB rating appears correct.
    3. Question surface regarding Mumm 30’s and any credit that they might receive if using only an asymmetrical spinnaker. The current adjustments allow a credit for declaring only carrying an asymmetrical. If both asymmetrical and symmetrical are carried there is no credit.
    4. Discussion of a boat having multiple certificates declaring various sail combinations. There is nothing in our rules that prevents this. It is up to individual clubs to set rules regarding how they handle these situations.
    5. C&C 30’s will be using the 2022 rating that was established for them.
  7. :Old Business
    1. Will updated the ongoing review and tweaking of the Ida Lewis Distance Race to include reaching legs. Polars have been set up for 3 boats to run tests for course options with the goal of having the divisions finish as close as possible to each other. Additional divisions are being considered to provide for tighter rating groups.
    2. Roy’s updated and demonstrated the new web page and changes most importantly for certificate holders is that payment takes place at the end of the process. The demonstration solicited suggestions for more changes or additions which Roy will discuss with the vendor. Overall the new pages look very good.
    3. The EG Racing Seminar has been canceled due to a conflict with the Newport to Bermuda seminar.
  8. New Business:
    1. Meeting April 24th – Zoom
  9. Adjournment: 8:25 pm


From: Wes Pelland <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 5:57 AM
To: Kathy Rotsky <>
Subject: Liberty Pogo 36

Hello Kathy,

I’m trying to catch you guys early before things start getting busy.  Our boat Liberty a Pogo 36 you rated last year is what I’m inquiring about. We didn’t end up doing any sailing in NB in PHRF do to having engine issues that preveted us from leaving our area so unfortunately I don’t have any data for you to support our claim but the rating of 6 seems like a mistake. I just want to be sure that you guys are rating the correct boat as we would like to do some sailing in Newport this season with the boat.  Our pogo 36 is a cruising boat with a full interior and a swing keel it does ok off the wind and down wind but doesn’t sail upwind very well and has been given a base boat rating on the Long Island sound and in the SF Bay of 57.   This seems to track as during our weeknight sailing on  Long Island sound with rating of 57 she is not as fast as our local j120s or the figaro 3 Celeritas which you have both rated at 48 we also will lose a short race badly to a j111 at a rating of 44.  Liberty is well prepared she has brand new sails a good bottom all the running rigging has been updated to control the sails as needed and the boat is sailed by a crew that does very well in other boats. Once we start sailing her this season I will have more data but I wanted to get this on your radar during the remainder of the off season.

Thank you for your consideration,
Wes Pelland





27 February 2023, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

February 27, 2023


Date:          Monday, Feb. 27, 2023

Time:         1830

Location:   Zoom


        1. Call to Order: at 6:32pm
        2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore;  Will Museler, Rating Chairman;  Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ec Helme, committee member; Ken Madeiro, committee member; Vin McAteer, committee member; Mark Nannini, committee member;  Randy Shore, Committee member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator
        3. Approval Meeting Minutes: Motion made and seconded to accept the November 2022 minutes as presented, members present unanimously voted to accept.
        4. Review Draft of 2023 Annual Meeting minutes – members present agreed that no changes to the 2023 annual meeting minutes were required other than the correction to attendance of the board members.
        5. Appeals: Pugilist, Martin 49, 2022 certificate 16763, skipper Darris Witham represented owner Dudley Johnson. Formerly Summer Storm. Pugilist has a base rating of -45 and sails at -39 spinnaker. Mr. Witham reviewed the performance of Pugilist in comparison to other with established ratings that they had sailed against in 2022 the 1st year this boat was companied. A number of supporting documents were submitted with the appeal. Mr. Witham indicated that he believed an adjustment of 3 seconds bringing the base to -42 would make Pugilist more competitive. Mr. Witham was thanked for his time and was told that a notification of a decision on the appeal would be hopefully made this week. The committee then went on to discuss this appeal and compared Pugilist to Watermark a Hinckley B50 base of -36 and Outlier a Botin 55 base of -36. The biggest concern of the members present was the lack of substantial, meaningful race results. A motion was made and seconded to leave the rating at -45 and indicate that for 2024 a review with more race results would be helpful in rating this boat. The members present voted for leaving the base at -45 with Randy Shore abstaining.
        6. Ratings: Review Request:
          Glenn Walker, JV-66, Denali, 2022 certificate 16364 base of -124 – a request for the impact of increasing the sprit 10% and an increase in the size of the largest spinnaker by 5.8% and the main by 3.675% was accompanied by an ORC test certificate reflecting the changes. Upon review of these changes and the appropriate charts it was agreed that the sprit would reflect a -3 sec adjustment and the main would reflect a -1 sec adjustment resulting in a base of Johnathan Banks, Sunfast 3300 – an email was received from Jonathan Banks at Bluenose Yacht Sales in reference to the Sunfast 33’s currently rated by PHRF-NB providing ORC certificates for Alchemist and Byte specifying various measurements. This lead to a review of the current measurements for each of the Sunfast 3300 rated by PHRF-NB which identified differences between boats and what PHRF-NB using the manufacturers information had on file. Will Museler will contact Jeanneau to obtain the manufactures specifications for the dimensions of these boats. In addition Marshall Bailey of Kingdom Marine acting on behalf of Jonathan Banks, requested the committee supply the rating impact of lengthening the sprit on a new owners Sunfast 3300. This request will be followed upon when manufacturer’s measurements are obtained. Members present agreed to this course of action.
        7. Ratings Review:
          1. Certificate 17047 – C&C 30 Nyabinghi – 2022 base 48 no action reviewed November 2022
          2. Certificate 17066 – Reichel Pugh Z-86 – Oakcliff OC86– 2022 base -114 no action reviewed November 2022
          3. Certificate 16914 – X50 – Odyssey – 2022 base 6 this boat has been previously discussed and the members agreed that the performance issue that the boat experiences is due to the conversion to an asymmetrical spinnaker and the tactical decisions used. There is also discussion of the XP50 and X50 differences. A motion was made and seconded to leave the base and adjustments as is for the 2023 season. Will Museler will revisit the adjustment chart for converting from a symmetrical to an a-symmetrical spinnaker.
          4. Certificate 16480 – Eggemoggin47+ – Tink – 2022 Base 36. It was agreed in November to look at the rating of Tink once again. Based on the performance of this boat in its 1st year of competing and the adjustment previously made a motion was made to adjust the base rating by 3 seconds, the motion was seconded and the members present voted unanimously to a base of 33 for 2023.
          5. BRISTOL 39/40 K Incognita 2020 Base159 or Mirari 2020 Base 168 it was noted that the rating for Mirari should have reflected that the boat was reconfigured to a yawl and the base should be 159. The system will be updated to reflect this.
          6. HERRESHOFF S Boat base 203 vs HERRESHOFF S Boat ODR Base 204 – the owners of S boats agreed on a base of 203 and the PHRF-NB committee will rate them as such. Change due to different size of mainsails.
          7. MORRIS M36 2020 Base 159 vs MORRIS M36 SD 2021 Base 123 (heavier with Wing Keel) a discrepancy in the 159 rating of the Morris M36 was discovered and it was agreed to change the base to 123. Members present agreed to this change for 2023
          8. TARTAN 37 SD 2019 Base 147 vs TARTAN 37-3 SCHEEL 2023 Base 123, US Sailing 124. a discrepancy in the 147 rating of the Tartan 37SD was discovered and it was agreed to change the base to 123. Members present agreed to this change for 2023.
        8. Old Business:
          1. Update on status of new web page. Roy has spoken with them and they believe the new system will be ready by April 1st. Roy will be meeting with them on February 28.
          2. Add Graduated costs: $50 new Cert, $25 Change to Cert, $100 new Cert or Change within 5 days of requirement the number of days for a new Cert or Change was agreed by the members present to be 7 days in place of 5 days.
          3. Rename drop down “Rating Rules” to “Rules & Instruction”, New sub-drops “Rating Rules”, “Appeals” add Appeal Guidance, “Principles of PHRF-NB” and “Instructions & Guides”. These minor changes will be submitted.
          4. Corrections will be made to the database. Listing of consistent model nomenclature with their base rating as described above for 2023 certificates Roy mentioned mentioned that we should implement the base rating for these boats as another column in the model nomenclature table so it can be used in at least two situation: Base Ratings display (ala PHRF-NE) and for calling up in the certificate rating table.
        9. New Business:
          1. Consistency of our ratings with “as designed / class rules”. Members present agreed to follow as designed for the base.
          2. Policy discussion on outside organizations requesting their Flyers/Notices be sent out using our email list. PHRF-NB provided a one-time list of certificate holders to NBYA.
          3. Meeting March 27th – Zoom and/or place. To be decided on availability of members and locations.
          4. Vin indicated the East Greenwich will be hosting a seminar in the same format as 2022 with all sailing groups invited to speak/present their programs on March 25, 2023. Will Museler will present for PHRF-NB
          5. Next meeting March 27, 2023 6:30pm Zoom or tbd.
        10. Adjournment: 8:25pm

25 January 2023, Annual PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

2023 Annual Meeting


Date:          Wednesday, January 25, 2025

Time:         1830

Location:   Bristol Yacht Club and Zoom


Call to Order 6:35pm

Roll Call – Don Kern, 2022 Commodore; Will Museler, 2022 Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, 2022 Treasurer;  Bob Horton, 2022 Secretary; (via Zoom) Ec Helme, 2022 Committee Member; Todd Johnston, 2022 Committee Member; Vin McAteer, 2022 Committee Member; Mark Nannini, 2022 Committee Member; Matt Smith, 2022 Committee Member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator (via Zoom)

Members present: Trisha McElroy Conanicut YC & Goat Island YC, Bruce Cox, Bristol YC, Buster Pike, Twenty Hundred Club, David Schwartz, Bristol YC, Timothy Grimes NYYC & Sail Newport and Twenty Hundred Club, Mark Rotsky, Bristol YC

Approval of 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes. Motion Made, seconded and approved to accept the 2022 Annual Meeting minutes.

Treasurers Report: Treasurer Roy Guay presented 2022 Financial Report including certificate tracking (copy attached) Motion made, seconded and approved to accept the 2022 annual treasurers report.

Nomination of 2023 officers –                                                                                        Commodore – Don Kern                                                                                                             Rating Chairman – Will Museler                                                                                            Treasurer – Roy Guay                                                                                                           Secretary – Bob Horton

Proposed Changes for 2023 Season:

a) Re-hosting of the existing PHRF-NB Website to a new vendor. Major change will be the payment process which will take place at the end instead of the start of the certificate.  The system will convert metric measurements to standard measurements. There will be an option to opt in or out of other organization emails with a list of accepted 3rd PHRF-NB will send out information for NBYA when asked and appropriate.  Plan is to be live on the new platform by April 1, 2023

b) Minor updating of PHRF-NB Regulations: Any changes will be to clarify or correct existing information. The conversion adjustment for symmetrical to A-symmetrical spinnakers is being reviewed.

New Business: Questions were asked from the floor as to whether a trial certificate option would be available. Currently phone calls are received by Kathy Rotsky asking what if’s for hypothetical changes and these take time and effort to ascertain if a rating adjustment will be applied. Because of the nature of these inquiries it is difficult to create a software solution that could accurately handle these times of scenarios. Such an option was not included in the design request with the new vendor.

Mark Nannini reminded everyone that PHRF is not a Gran Prix rating system and there are automated limitations to the capabilities of local PHRF groups. The Committee will investigate the automation of the appropriate tables into application process.

Open Discussion: Thanks were extended to the individuals who attended the meeting.

Adjourned at 7:05pm

28 November 2022, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

November 2022


Date:          Monday, November 28, 2022
Time:         1830
Location:   Zoom

  1. Call to Order: 6:35pm
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore;  Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ec Helme, committee member; Todd Johnston, committee member; Vin McAteer, committee member; Mark Nannini, committee member; Matt Smith, committee member;  Kathy Rotsky PHRF-NB Administrator
  3. Approval Meeting Minutes: The members present voted to approve the October 19, 2022 minutes
  4. Appeals:
  5.  Ratings:
  6. Ratings Review:
  1. a) Certificate 16326 Beneteau First SE Hawksbill

                Certificate 16993 Beneteau First 27 Benutii

A letter form David Wilson to Roy Guay prompted an in depth discussion of the 2 boats differences and similarities. Numerous searches of the internet and other PHRF areas revealed a plethora of information but none that indicated how many 27SE models were built. The owner of Hawksbill has owned and raced   a Catalina 36 with little success, racing in the Wickford weeknight series and the Solo Twin and also the Bermuda race. The move to a sport boat was described as a might leap for most sailors. Hawksbill had filed an appeal in May 2022 asking for review of his original rating of a base of 84. His appeal was successful and adjustment to 90 was made. Hawksbill raced this season in Jamestown which has windward leeward courses and the 27SE has not been competitive on such courses. A number of ratings for the Seascape 27 and Beneteau 27SE were provided by the owner to support his recent letter. After reviewing the Beneteau First 27 to the Seascape 27 and Beneteau 27SE it was agreed that the First 27 is very different compared to the other two. The 27 SE was compared to the J-92 with a base of 96, J92S base of 96 and Melges 24 base of 99. It was agreed by the members present that a new base of 96 for the Beneteau 27SE, a new base for the Seascape 27 of 99 and a new base for the Beneteau First 27 of 111 should be recorded for 2023

  1. b) Certificate 16364 – Judel Vrolijk 66 – Denali

The only results in 2022 were from the Safe Harbor Regatta, (3- 1sts, 1- 4th, 1- 5th) indicate that the current base rating does not need to be adjusted. The members present agreed to leave the current base at -124 for 2023

  1. c) Certificate 17044 – Mills 41 – Final Final

After review of the 2022 Ida Lewis race results the members present agreed to leave the current 2022 base of -30 for 2023.

  1. d) Certificate 16992 – Pogo 36MH – Liberty

After review the members present agreed to leave the current 2022 base rating of 6 for 2023

  1. e) Certificate16335 – Freedom 30sd – Serendipity

After review of 2022 Jamestown results of a 2nd overall the members present agreed to leave the current 2022 base rating of 202 for 2023

  1. f) Certificate 16763 – Marten 49 – Pugilist

After review of the 2022 Safe Harbor results, a 5t place in class the members present agreed to leave the current 2022 base rating of -45 for 2023

  1. g) Certificate 16929 – JPK 45 – Take Two

this boat raced a number of regatta, Ida Lewis Distance, Bud Humphrey, Wickford. The boat shows speed on a beat when there is a breeze but is not a downwind star due to small sail area downwind. It won the Ida Lewis Distance race. After the review the members present agreed to adjust the 2022 base rating of 54 to 51 for 2023

  1. h) Certificate 17076 – Reichel Pugh 45 – Pterdactyl

The 2022 base rating was done via email committee votes due to a last minute submission for the Safe Harbor Regatta. Based on the assigned PHRF-NB base of -66 this boat dis not race PHRF by instead raced ORC. The members present agreed to leave the base at -66 for 2023

  1. i) Certificate 16370 – Camden Knockabout – Ponyo

After a short review the members present agreed to leave the 2022 base of 201 in effect for 2023.

The following boats will be reviewed prior to March of 2023

Certificate 17047 – C&C 30 Nyabinghi – 2022 base 48
Certificate 17066 – Reichel Pugh Z-86 – Oakcliff OC86- 2022 base -114
Certificate 16914 – X50 – Odyssey – 2022 base 6
Certificate 16480 – Eggemoggin47+ – Tink 2022 Base 30

7. Old Business:

    1. No new modifications to the new web page were identified.
    2. Will Museler updated the group on the changes that the Ida Lewis Distance Race is proposing to make for 2023 in an attempt to make the racing tighter and the finishers complete the courses in close proximity by class. The ORC vs PHRF certificate selection by boat is being looked at to see if a ORC certificate holder could be requested to only race under ORC. More to come.

8. New Business:

  1. Annual Meeting – It was agreed that the annual meeting will be held in person on Wednesday, January 26 at the Bristol Yacht Club, Kathy Rotsky to confirm with BYC.


9. Adjournment: 8:47pm

19 October 2022, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

October 2022


Date:            Wednesday, October 19, 2022

                    Gulfstream Bar & Grille, 1 Lagoon Rd, Portsmouth

Time:           1830

Location:     Zoom

  1. Call to Order: 7:00pm
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Todd Johnston, committee member; Ken Madeiro, committee member; Mark Nannini, committee member; Randy Shore, committee member, Matt Smith, committee member Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator
  3. Approval Meeting Minutes: Minutes of September 26, 2022 meeting approved by members present.
  4.  Appeals:
    1. None
  5.  Ratings:
    1. None
  6. Ratings Review: The members present agreed that the following boats should be reviewed to insure that the rating assigned is as accurate as possible based on 2022 race results and other input as appropriate


16993 Simon Milne Beneteau First 27 Benutii
16364 Michael D’Amelio Judel Vrolijk 66 Denali
17044 Jon Desmond Mills 41 Final Final
16326 David Wilson Beneteau First 27 SE Hawksbill
16992 Richard Fleischman Pogo 36 MH Liberty
17047 Peter McClennen C&C 30 ODR Nyabinghi
17066 Oakcliff Sailing Reichel Pugh Z-86 Oakcliff OC86
16914 Alfred Van Liew /David Brodsky X-50 Odyssey
17076 Scott Weisman, Sjambok  Invest Reichel Pugh 45 Pterdactyl
16929 Gordon Fletcher JPK 45 Take Two
16480 Jack Lefort Eggemoggin 47+ Tink
16335 Gary Venable Freedom 30sd Serendipity
16370 Paul Koch Camden clas Knockabout Ponyo
16763 Dudley Johnson Marten 49 Pugilist
  1. Old Business:
    1. None

VIII       New Business:


  1. a) Will Museler is a consultant to the Ida Lewis YC and will be providing analysis of and for the 24 hour race in 2023
  2. b) US Sailing continues to be unresponsive to our inquiries and attempts to interface concerning PHRF
  3. c) Membership is slightly down for the year 2022
  4. d) Members present agreed that the $50.00 annual certificate fee should continue.
  5. e) The option of investing in VPP software was presented to the members present and voted to look at    the benefit and cost of software.
  6. f) Meeting November 28th – members present voted to meet via Zoom


IX      Adjournment: 8:45pm

26 September 2022, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

PHRF-NB Minutes September 2022

Date:          Monday, September 26, 2022

Time:         1830

Location:   Zoom

  1. Call to Order: 6:35pm

  1. Roll Call:  Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Bob Horton, Secretary;  Ken Madeiro, committee member; Mark Nannini, committee member; Vin McAteer, committee member; Matt Smith, committee member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator

III.        Approval Meeting Minutes: August 2022 minutes approved by the members present

  1. Appeals:
  2. a) None

  1. Ratings:
  2. a) None

  1. Ratings Review: Commodore Kern asked that a list of boats that were given 2022 Provisional Ratings or that have observed performance that calls into question their current PHRF-NB rating be submitted for review at the October meeting.

VII.        Old Business:

  1. A) None

viii.     New Business: The East Greenwich YC is proposing to offer a seminar similar to the 2022    Racing on the Bay seminar that they held. Vin McAteer was looking for thoughts from the         PHRF-NB committee on the viability and interest for such a repeat seminar. Members   present including Will Museler who was a presenter at the 2022 event believed it is valuable         and should be repeated.

           Next meeting will be October 19 at Gulfstream restaurant in Portsmouth – more info to          follow

VIII.        Adjournment: 7:35pm

29 August 2022, PHRF0NB Meeting Minutes

PHRF-NB Minutes August 2022

Date:          Monday, August 29, 2022

Time:         1830

Location:   Zoom

  1. Call to Order: 6:30pm

  1. Roll Call:  Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ec Helme, committee member; committee member;  Ken Madeiro, committee member; Matt Smith, committee member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator

III.        Approval Meeting Minutes: July 2022 minutes approved by the members present

  1. Appeals:
  2. a)      None
  3. b)    2022 Certificate #16954 Mills 41, Final Final, Jon Desmond, owner
  4. Ratings:
  5. a)      2022 Certificate #16990 – McCurdy and Rhodes 48, Carina, Rives Potts, owner. Clarification on details draft and ‘J’, received, a provisional rating of 57 was assigned.
  6. b)      2022Certificate #17008 – Baltic 56-03, Runaway Bunny. Ben Mackay, owner. The spinnaker measurements requested have been received and accounted for. A provisional rating of -30 was assigned.
  7. Ratings Review:
  8. a)      2022 Certificate #16909 – Swan 48-2- Dragon, Hugh Balloch owner.  Awaiting an update by Matt Smith of the review of the information provided by Hugh Balloch to determine if any action should be taken regarding a rating adjustment. Matt Smith provided that the spar would be lighter but that the furling gear would add weight. The 1 ft. taller mast would not be significant. The headsail and the mainsail maintain the same dimensions. The furler for the A-sail is a top down. The members present agreed on a -3 second adjustment for the carbon rig instead of the normal 6 second adjustment due to the internal roller furler. Base rating assigned is 39

VII.        Old Business:

  1. a)    Communication with 6 Square on finalization on contract of update to PHRF-NB website.
  2. i)             Have we ensured that the payment for certificate(s) occurs after filling out of the application(s) and that all the required data is present to make a rating before it can be acted upon by the committee?  –  What are the required blanks to be filled out? What additional drop downs do we want, a $100.00 fee for expedited processing.

viii.     New Business:

  1. a)      A Luders 24 Certificate 16428, Nan Hall owner, has been racing with a non-declared spinnaker not reflected on their certificate. Committee recommended that the Race Committee Chairman at BYC be notified.
  2. b)      Meeting September 26th – An in person dinner meeting was voted by members present for September. Kathy Rotsky to find a location and query members.

VIII.        Adjournment: 7:35pm

25 July 2022, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

PHRF-NBMinutesJuly 25, 2022

Date:          Monday, July 25, 2022

Time:         1830

Location:   Zoom

  1. Call to Order: 1830

  1. Roll Call:  Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ken Madeiro, committee member; Mark Nannini, committee member; Randy Shore, committee member; Kathy Rotsky PHRF-NB Administrator

III.        Approval Meeting Minutes: Minutes of June 2022 minutes approved by members present

  1. Appeals:
  2. a)      C&C 30 Randy Shore provided an excellent overview of the EOS program which is in memory of Edward Oliver Sanchez who has passed away and it is intended to promote youth sailing. Kings Point and Sail Newport are both supporting the program in various ways and degrees. Currently there are 3 C&C 30’s in the EOS program and 2 other C&C 30s that race in the same group/class. The documentation that was submitted for the rating appeal was reviewed and various questions asked by the members present were answered by Randy Shore. After a 45 minute review is was agreed by a majority of the members present to adjust the C&C rating by 6 seconds for a new base of 48.
  3. Ratings:
  4. a)      2022 Certificate #16954 Mills 41, Final Final, Jon Desmond, owner. A long discussion regarding what model Mills 41 this really was and if the boat had been known by any other name at some previous time resulted in the data provided by the owner being used to determine a provisional base rating of -30 by the members present.
  5. b)      2022 Certificate #16967 Shannon 50 Staysail Ketch, Besa, John Fuller, owner. PHRF-NE has this model at a 114 base. A review of the boat as described in the certificate resulted in the members present voting to assign a provisional base rating of 120
  6. c)      2022 Certificate #16990 – McCurdy and Rhodes 48, Carina, Rives Potts, owner. The certificated was thought to be in need of clarification on certain details such as Draft and J measurements. LI Sound has a rating and ORC lists the boat as rating equivalent 50 while IRC rates it equivalent 62. Kathy Rotsky will contact the owner for clarification on our questions so that a base rating can be assigned. Members present agreed to this action.
  7. d)      2022 Certificate #16992 – Pogo 36, Liberty, Richard Fleischman, owner. A thorough review of the details of this boat included viewing pictures of the same model on line and comparing it to a Farr 40 fractional rig which currently rates 8. The boat carries a quarehead main and the hounds have been increased by 3 feet.  Of 2 existing boats that carry ORC certificates, 1 is a masthead and the other fractional. It was decided that due to the hounds being moved 3 feet that PHRF-NB would designate this boat as a masthead. The boat has a lifting keel that would not appear to be used while racing. After a thorough review it was agreed by the members present to assign a provisional rating of 6.
  8. e)      2022 Certificate #17002 – Hallberg Rassy 44, Callisto, Deric Hetzel, owner. This boat has non-overlapping headsails and a masthead kite. It carries a Code 0 that will have a -7 adjustment to the base rating. This model boat falls into comparisons with boats that have a range of 66 to 115. It compares favorably to Sense 60 which rates 66 spinnaker and it was also compared to a J109 which rates72. It is registered to race in the Solo Twin. The members present agreed to a provisional base rating of 72.
  9. f)       2022 Certificate #17008 – Baltic 56-03, Runaway Bunny, Ben Mackay, owner. This boat has non-overlapping headsails and compares to various known boats such as White Rhino a Swan 56 rating -26, Irie -57, Preval -46, Pugilist a Martin 49 at -39, No spinnaker measurements were provided so the certificate will not be issued until those are received. The members present agreed to a provisional rating of -30 that will be assigned once the spinnaker measurements are and taken into account to assign the sailing ratings.
  10. g)      2022 Certificate #17014 – Italia98, Christopher Dragon XII, Andrew Weiss, owner. These models have been doing very well in Europe over the past few years. The model won Key West and placed 1st in class in Bermuda. An ORC of 590 converts to 40 in PHRF. The boat was compared to a Taylor 41 rating 52 and it could also compare to an IMX40 or XP 38 or a J122. It was noted that the E measurement is off and may be 17.55 not 11.48 as owner listed. This will be confirmed by Kathy Rotsky. The members present agreed t a provisional rating of 45.
  11. Ratings Review:
  12. a)      2022 Certificate #16909 – Swan 48-2- Dragon.  There was no update by Matt Smith of the review of the information provided by Hugh Balloch to determine if any action should be taken regarding a rating adjustment.

VII.        Old Business:

  1. a)      Communication with 6 Square on finalization on contract of update to PHRF-NB website. Progress is being made on the move to 6 Square and dates for testing are being finalized.

VIII.     New Business:

There was feedback from various sources that the 2022 rating on certificate #16480, Tink an            Eggamoggin 47 of 60 was favorable based on the 8 race performance at the NYYC Regatta. A review       by the committee on this boats performance lead to a decision that a more realistic and accurate rating       would be a base of 36 and with adjustment sailing at 32. It was obvious to the committee that an adjustment should be made. It was agreed that a special meeting would be called after the owner of          Tink was notified that a change was being considered. Will Museler would be notifying the owner            that we reviewed his performance to our initial rating and felt justified in making and adjustment.

Subsequent to this meeting and Will Museler’s call to the owner, the owner had no objection to a      rating change ot a new base of 36.

Meeting August 29th – Zoom

VIII.        Adjournment: 2124

27 June 2022, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes


Date:            Monday, June 27, 2022

Time:           1830

Location:     Zoom

  1. Call to Order:6:42pm

  1. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore: Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Ec Helme, Committee Member; Vin McAteer, Committee Member;  Randy Shore, Committee Member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator

III.        Approval Meeting Minutes: May 2022, Clarification needed:

Boats that carry no spinnaker, should they be receiving a spinnaker rating – it was agreed by the members present that the standard measurements would be plugged in if no measurements are supplied even if the owner states no spinnaker on board.

Notes from the May meeting were read and the members present agreed with the wording as written.

  1. Appeals:

It was mention by Randy Shore that a ratings appeal for the C&C 30’s should have been received. Research by Roy Guay and Kathy Rotsky identified a problem within the system that did not alert them to the appeal even though the required fee had been paid. The appeal will be presented to the members for review at the July meeting.

  1. Ratings:
  2. a)       2022 Certificate #16799 – Borrensen BB-10, Snow Petrel, George Wilson Lovett owner. This boat compares similarly to an Abbot 33 which Will Museler believes sails to its rating while Vin McAteer believes the Abbott has a soft rating of 126. After much discussion the members present agreed to a 2022 provisional base rating of 129.
  3. b)      2022 Certificate #16890 – Grand Soleil 42 LC, Mango, Roger Shepley owner. This boat was compared to a J46 and J133. After much discussion the members present agreed to a 2022 provisional base rating of 48.
  4. c)       2022 Certificate #16905 – CTM 41, After Midnight, Paul Jeka, owner. The members present discussed whether this was actually a boat named High Noon. After review it was determined that this was a different boat based on sail numbers and ORC as well as IRC data. After much discussion the members present agreed to a 2022 provisional base rating of -18 after rig information is received that compares to known data..
  5. d)      2022 Certificate #16929 – JPK 45, Take Two, Gordon Fletcher, owner. This boat was compared to a J46 at base 39 and a Beneteau 37.7 with various ratings between 24 and 30. After much discussion the members present agreed to a 2022 provisional base rating of 54 if ISP is provided that allows the calculation of all factors..
  6. e)       2022 Certificate #16931 – Eight Meter, Angelita, Samuel Croll, owner. This is a classic wooden boat with a traditional underbody Regression shows a 96 rating, CT-PHRF has one at 111 an old PHRF-NB rating was 159 which members agreed was way off. After much discussion the members present agreed to a 2022 provisional base rating of 111 which puts it in the same range as a J29.


VI         Ratings Review:

  1. a)       2022 Certificate #16909 – Swan 48-2- Dragon, Email attached below.  Hugh Balloch requested a review post modification to his boat.  Matt Smith will be asked to review the information provided to determine if any action should be taken regarding a rating adjustment

VII        Old Business:

  1. a)    Communication with US Sailing and proposed agenda to US Sailing. There has been no response to the inquiries that Will Museler or Roy Guay has submitted.
  2. b)    Changes and updates to PHRF-NB website.
  3. i)        Roy Guay has not received any response from Erik about feasibility and cost
  4. ii)      A proposal from 6 Square to provide web services was received and reviewed 6 Square is based in Newport and provides services to the Newport YC. Newport YC is satisfied with the service and product provided to them by 6 Square. It was voted and approved by the members present to move forward to hire 6 Square to develop a new website and convert our existing website data.

VIII      New Business:

  1. a)      Meeting July 25th – Zoom

Adjournment: 8:30pm

Email from Hugh Balloch regarding Swan 48-2, Dragon

I am writing to give the background to the recently submitted rating renewal for our Swan 48 Dragon.

As we are aging less gracefully than our Swan, we have decided to refit the boat with a cruising oriented rig from Offshore Spars. The mast and electric furling boom is fabricated from carbon. The standing rigging remains stainless rod rigging. A slight change from the original Swan specifications the mast height was increased slightly to create a 15/16ths rig with the mainsail hoist about a foot above the headstay attachment. This facilitates top down furling and snuffing of the spinnakers without hanging up on the headstay furling mechanism. No change was made to any of the headsails or spinnakers we use. The old main had a small panel added to the bottom and the luff curve cut out to accommodate the furler and mast luff tape feeder. The new P and ISP numbers provided by our naval architect advisor Jason Black (copied on this email) have been submitted with our renewal form.

While the mast is carbon and therefore somewhat lighter, the new carbon boom is substantially heavier than the aluminum one it replaces as it has a separate mandrel that rolls down the sail and several electrical components to operate the roller mechanism. The mainsail is no longer adjustable along the foot other than by starting to roll in a kind of “flattener” reef.

Additional changes were made to increase cruising comfort and spousal happiness including two electric heads replacing old Blake manual ones. An upgraded Harken 46 electric mainsheet winch that has a reverse function, replaces the electric Lewmar 54. All new B&G 5000 series instruments and Simrad autopilot uses the same hydraulic ram and motor so I doubt there is any weight change associated with that; but our SSB has been removed.

If there is any additional information the Committee would like, please feel free to reach out to me or Jason and we will provide what we can.

Hugh Balloch

23 May 2022, PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

PHRF-NBMeeting MinutesMay 2022

Date:          Monday, May 23, 2022

Location:   Zoom

  1. Call to Order: 6:30pm

  1. Roll Call:  Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, rating chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, secretary; Ec Helme, committee member; Ken Madeiro, committee member, Vin McAteer, committee member; Mark Nannini, committee member; Randy Shore, committee member; Matt Smith, , committee member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator

III.        Approval Meeting Minutes: The minutes from the April 25, 2022 meeting were voted and seconded by the members present to be accepted as distributed unanimously.

  1. Appeals:
  2. a)    2022 Certificate #16390 – Mutinous Dog, Tartan Ten, Marc Holdaway. Mr Holoway contends that the rating of his Tartan Ten should be identical to the Tartan Ten Lorax. The difference between the two ratings is that Lora has received a credit for using a headsail smaller than 155%. Extensive review of other PHRF area found that most T10’s race with larger head sails and only the Great Lakes are had a T10 One Design fleet that rated the boats as 126. After a lengthy discussion it was agreed that Mutinous Dog should have received a credit to its rating for having a smaller headsail. Mr Holdaway entered the meeting and was informed that his rating would receive a credit of 9 sec for the smaller sail and that due to the action of the committee his appeal fee would be refunded.
  3. b)    2022 Certificate 16326 – Hawksbill, Beneteau First 27SE, David Wilson, appealed his rating based on his assumption that the Beneteau 1st 27 is the same boat as a Seascape 27 that was produced since 2011.  The committee compared the newer Beneteau First 27SE to other PHRF areas various boats racing on Narragansett Bay ORC rates the Seascape differently than the First 27SE with the Seascape rated slower. After discussing the comparable boats it was agreed by the members present that a provisional base rating of 90 would be assigned for the 2022 season. Rating Chairman Will Museler will notify Mr. Wilson of the provisional base rating and our reasoning.


  1. Ratings:
  2. a)       2022 Certificate #16763 – Marten 49, Pugilist, Dudley Johnson, owner. This is was formerly AKA Summer Storm. The rating of -45 was in effect previously. Members present agreed that the rating should remain at -45.
  3. b)      2022 Certificate #16429 & 16885 – Sabre Spirit 36 WK, Erocia, Robert Green, owner. It was noted that as designed the boat comes with a below deck roller furler and a self-tacking jib. Regression formula reflects 109, Members present agreed that the provisional rating should be 117
  4. c)       2022 Certificate #16745 – Botin 55, Outlier, Harvey Jones, owner, email attached to the minutes. Members present agreed that this should be presented by the owner as an appeal of the rating.
  5. d)      2022 Certificate #16747 – 12 Meter, Columbia US16, Kevin Hegarty, owner. Agreed by the members present that we would follow the precedent set by the 12 Meter Association that has PHRF ratings of Traditional -33, Classic -30, Modern, and Grand Prix
  6. e)       2022 Certificate #16708 – International 110, Pelican, Steve Clark, questioned the base rating. The members present agreed that this model with 1 trapeze and a 180% headsail should be rated at a base of 174.


  1. Ratings Review:
  2. a)       2022 Certificate #16335 – Freedom 30 SD, Serendipity, Gary Venable owner. Email attached at the bottom of the minutes. Members present agreed to leave the 2022 base rating as is at 202.

VII.        Old Business:

  1. a)    Communication with US Sailing and proposed agenda to US Sailing. – No update.
  2. b)    12 Meter update – this was addressed in the open ratings section
  3. c)    Changes and updates to PHRF-NB website.
  4. i)           Roy’s talk to Erik about feasibility and cost
  5. ii)         Others contact with potential webmasters

VIII.        New Business:

  1. a)      Meeting June 27th – Zoom
  2. a)         Boats that carry no spinnaker, should they be receiving a spinnaker rating.  It was agreed by the members present that the standard measurements would be plugged in if no measurements are supplied even if the owner states no spinnaker on board.

  1. Adjournment:

From Gary Venabal dated 5/10

I was hoping to have this resolved before the first race…. Which is tonight (JYC)…I have forwarded my PHRF (to JYC) showing a rating of 199….. Last night I reviewed the PHRF notes of February which indicated the committee was looking into the ratings for the various NONSUCH’s…. there was no mention of the Freedoms.   After further investigation I have the following observations:

–           Over the last several years there have been only 8 Freedoms that had a PHRF rating ….. 4 of them had it for one year… one for 2 years (Hoyt designed 32)  Pedrick and Koch have raced their Freedom 35’s for more years than I raced my 30…. And now Koch has decided to race another boat this year…. Which leaves only Dave Pedrick and myself racing Freedoms.

–          Dave Pedrick has raced the boat that he designed ….The Pedrick Freedom 35 was offered with traditional Freedom Club Foot jib (like my Gary Mull designed 30SD) or roller furling which is what he has.

–          Of the three Mull designed Freedoms that are listed in the rating history …. Claus has 30 with standard keel and was rated 205 …he raced one year 2017

Collins has Freedom 32 (same boat as Claus but with a swim platform) his rating in 2019 was 206…. And Caspersen who registered a 32SD and received a 207 rating 2018…. None of these boats raced again.

–          There is only one NONSUCH  registered this year “Encore” which has a base rating of 240 and a non-spin rating of 248.

–          STAR DANCER….Dave Pedrick’s boat has a spin rating of 132 and a non-spin rating of 142….

–          There are 165 registered boats in PHRF-NB (some twice ..J-109s r) all but two boats have a spin credit …. SERENDIPITY and a Marshall Sanderling (Catboat)..which carries a rating of 321.

Given all the above I fail to understand why our rating was dinged for 12 secs a mile.

I appreciate all that you do and fully understand how difficult it must be to “get it right”.   We have been somewhat successful but I believe that  is because we have learned the boat over the years, it is well prepped, I have two crew members that have extensive sailing and racing experience.

I had thought that once the facts were presented …. That Serendipity is in fact a sloop, capable of carrying a spinnaker and not a NONSUCH, this would be easily corrected.

Please let me know if I need to file an appeal…. But nothing has changed on the boat for the last seven years so I hope I needn’t

From Harvey Jones/Botin 55, Outlier



I just submitted the renewal for OUTLIER’s PHRF-NB certificate in preparation for the NYYC Annual Regatta in June. I didn’t see a place to add notes to the renewal application so I am submitting this email for that purpose.

OUTLIER’s original PHRF-NB certificate was issued in 2019, the year the boat was built, prior to any racing and with little information about her performance. The PHRF-NB Committee did the best job they could, given what they had to work with, rating the boat. Now we have 3 years of experience racing under CRF and PHRF-NE and OUTLIER’s performance can be compared to other boats. I hope the Committee will take a new look.

After the first season, PHRF-NE modified OUTLIER’s rating from -48/-39 to -39/-30. Further a good boat to compare to OUTLIER is Irie-2. They share many of the same dimensions with the major difference being weight. Irie-2 is a carbon boat with no interior to speak of, while OUTLIER is a wooden boat with a full wood interior. OUTLIER weighs twice as much as Irie-2. I realize PHRF-NE and PHRF-NB are different but boat-to-boat comparisons are legitimate. In PHRF-NE Irie-2 is rated -69/-60 thus there is a 30 second/mile difference to OUTLIER’s -39/-30 PHRF-NE rating. Given the 9 second adjustment PHRF-NE made to OUTLIER’s rating from -48/-39 to -39/-30 and the 30 second PHRF-NE spread between Irie-2 and OUTLIER, I would respectfully request the PHRF-NB consider a similar adjustment to OUTLIER’s 2022 PHRF-NB rating.

I would appreciate it if you would share this email with whoever is involved in formulating the rating.

Thank you,

Harvey Jones