Category: Meeting Minutes

26 April 2021 PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

PHRF-NB Minutes of Monthly Meeting

Date:           Monday, April 26, 2021
Time:          1830

Location:     Zoom

  1. Call to Order 6:37pm
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Will Museler, Roy Guay, Bob Horton, Paul Cronin, Paul Grimes, Ken Madeiro, Vin McAteer, Moose McClintock, Mark Nannini, Randy Shore, Kathy Rotsky

III.    Approval Meeting Minutes: March 2021 motion made to approve and seconded all present voted to accept.

  1. Appeals:
  2. a)       Terrance Arndt, Resolute, IMX 40 – Mr. Arndt appeared before the board to state his case that his rating should be changed to reflect a slower rating. Based on input from members present who are quite familiar with the boat it was felt that the change to an Asymmetrical spinnaker was not helped by the shorter sprit that was installed on the boat. After a lengthy discussion it was discovered that the base rating calculation should reflect a rating of 36 not 31. The base is being changed and Mr. Arndt will be notified.

  1. Ratings:
  2. a)       Certificate 15395 – Solo Dream, Saffier 27 L, Peter Vessella owner, Base Rating needed – This is a new boat to the bay by a manufacturer that offers many options to the base boat. This particular boat has a single rudder, an electric sail drive and a mainsail that is subject to a penalty as well as a mainsail design that may contact the backstay. It was agreed by the members present to assign a base of 126.
  3. b)       Certificate 155335 – Kestrel ,Catalina 30,  Mark Franklin owner, New rudder. – After a thorough review of the information presented by Mr. Franklin comparing the old rudder to the new rudder it was agreed by the members preset that an adjustment of -1 sec should be applied to the new rudder.
  4. c)       Certificate 15514 – Kent Racing, Class 40, Timothy Kent, owner, Owen Clarke question – Do we penalize for reaching headsail? Based on the Class 40 standard sail class inventory it was agreed by the members present that since this boat will be competing with boats not in the Class 40 category that a -7 adjustment in the rating adjustments was appropriate
  5. d)       Certificate 15464 – Dancing Bear lll, Alden Center Cockpit 50, Constantine Baris owner – Base Rating Needed. YRA has a base of 108 for this model boat. PHRF-NE has a base of 90 for this model. This boat compares to a Hinckley 51 and a Bristol 47.7. Clarification is need on whether there is an in mast roller furler. If present will apply -6 sec adjustment. The members present agreed to a base rating of 102.
  6. e)       Certificate 15476 – Reveille Sigma 41FR, Jim Hammitt owner – Base Rating Needed. This boat has a draft of 7’3’’, a tall mast and is in fractional rig configuration, it is an imported British boat. This boat compares to a Sabre 38, Swan39.1, Sabre 40.2 and Sweden 41 which has a base of 84. It was agreed by the members present to set a base or 90.
  7. f)                Certificate15495 – Bully Circus Farr 30 EVO, Buster Pike, owner, removed diesel engine and sail drive, replaced with outboard engine and added fixed bowsprit. The owner states that this boat has a standard rig but his measurements are off to the standard boat. – Owner will be contacted and asked to confirm measurements.
  8. g)       Certificate 15384 – Dark Star E-32-2, Pete Levesque owner – Substantial modifications have been made and are supported by pictures. The boat will be weighted and an official measurer will be present. ECSA has a issued a rating of 65. This boat was formally known as Bluto and Ken Madeiro is quite familiar with the previous modifications. It was agreed by the members present that this is now a custom boat based off an Evelyn 32 hull and that a base rating will be issued once new measurements are received.
  9. h)        Certificate 15371 – C’est Bon – Beneteau Sense 50, Carl Metz owner, Debora McKeon is upset about the boats rating.  Please refer to the end of the agenda. (Headsail credit removed in 2019). – Based on previous review of this boat it was agreed that the rating adjustments are correct.
  10. Old
  11. a)       Water Ballast rating certificate vs adding shorthanded rating on cert. – The members present agreed that there is no change to the base rating for the water ballast option. It was brought to the attention of the committee members that certain certificate holders have removed the water ballast system. Alchemy has reported that change and will receive an adjustment of -1 sec.
  12. b)       J-Boats delta between J121 to J122 (2 boats in queue) – no action required.
  13. c)       Graves Constellation – Letter of Concern and processing certs (6 boats in queue) The Graves have appeared since 2016 as a concern to racers in the upper bay with 3 formal appeals of their ratings and 2 recent anonymous letters of concern. Based on input from various members, review of performance over the years and technical comparisons to J24s and J30s the members present with Bob Horton and Moose McClintock recusing themselves voted to change the base ratings for the Graves Constellations to 186 from the current 192.
  14. d)       Status of website modifications and estimate of applications going live
  15. e)       Boats needing spin measurements in queue 13

VII.    New Business:

  1. a)       Auxiliary Meeting May 10th – Zoom and/or place – members present agreed to this meeting
  2. b)       Meeting May 24th – Zoom and/or place – members agreed to meet via Zoom
  3. c)       Peter Becker- Young American Campaign is requesting 3 gratis certificates from the committee this year. He thanks the committee for our previous support.  Carried over.

VIII.    Adjournment – 9:23pm

Submitted by Bob Horton

  1. > Hello Kathy,

We submitted our renewal for 2021 based on the 2020 rating.  Last year we protested the 2020 rating of 61/75 because the prior year rating of 2019 was 62/76 and 2018 was 76/96 a differential of -14 and -19 seconds per mile.  This rate change was due to a change in the keel from Shallow Draft to Standard Draft.  The change in the keel should have resulted in a change of -7 1/2 seconds per mile.  The actual adjustment was -14 to -19 seconds per mile.  Last year we were told they would look at the 2020 race results before granting any adjustment for 2021.  The change was brought about in 2019 because we changed the keel.  Now that we are renewing the certificate and you have our race results from 2019 and 2020.  We expect you will reconsider the rating based on the correct rating adjustment for our keel.

I hope to hear from you soon.  Thank you.

Deborah McKeon

29 March, 2021 PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes March 2021

Date:          Monday, March 29, 2021
Time:         1830

Location:   Zoom

  1. Call to Order – 6:30pm
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Will Museler,  Bob Horton, Paul Cronin, Paul Grimes, Todd Johnston, Ken Madeiro,  Moose McClintock, Mark Nannini, Randy Shore, Kathy Rotsky

III.    Approval Meeting Minutes: February 2021 Unanimously approved by members present

  1. Review Draft of 2021 Annual Meeting – tabled
  2. Appeals:
  3. a)       Dudley Johnson/ Darris Whitman, Prevail -Tripp 65 – Darris Whitman represented the owner Dudley Johnson.2020 base was -75, sailed at -70. Sails are in good shape for racing, normally sails with a crew of 9 which is a good number to race the boat. Mr. Whitman compared Prevail to LAURA a R/P custom 60 which has a base rating of -59 and sails at -60. A great amount of information was provided to support the appeal. After a long and through discussion the members present agreed to adjust the base rating to -63. Will Museler will notify the owner of the decision.

  1. b)       Mark Sertl-Das Blau Max, Farr ( Mumm) 30 – Mark Sertl appeared before the committee to present his case that his Farr 30’s “provisional rating” should be reviewed and brought in line with other PHRF areas that had the same wind conditions. His opinion was that the base rating for Das Blau Max should be 54. A review of his sail inventory showed that in years it was quite old but Mr. Sertl stated that they were in good shape for beer can racing. A review of the results from 2020 show performance that was consistently in the top 3rd of the class Das Blau Max competed in. After a long and through discussion the members present agreed to leave the base rating at 51. Will Museler will notify the owner of the decision.

  1. Ratings:
  2. a)       David Tabor, Dianthus, CS Merlin – prior to the meeting the questions on this boat were resolved and a provisional base rating of 126 was assigned for 2021
  3. b)       Alfred Van Liew, Odyssey, S&S 47 (!964) Merlin – prior to the meeting the questions on this boat were resolved and a provisional base rating of 132 was assigned for 2021

VII.    Old

  1. a)       Status of website modifications and estimate of applications going live – registrations to go live in 2 weeks.
  2. b)       Water Ballast rating Certificate vs adding shorthanded rating on cert.
  3. c)       J-121 water ballast rating discussion request by Jeff Johnstone a continued discussion on the issue of water ballasted boats and if there is a way for PHRF-NB to qualify a rating for the J-121 which according to Jeff Johnstone would sail with 7 crew using water ballast or a crew of 11 without using water ballast. The committee has reviewed the difficulty in establishing separate rating and has decided to only issue 1 rating for the J-121 and let Race organizers establish crew vs water ballast adjustments.

VIII.    New Business:

  1. a)       Sail Clinics and form/instructions almost ready to be announced with a few tweeks.
  2. b)       Meeting April 26th – Zoom and/or place TBD
  3. c)       Anonymous complaint on Graves fleet modifications – the committee agreed that they are not happy to receive anonymous complaints but agreed to address the issues in the letter and notify the owners of the Graves Constellations of the items being presented to the committee and asked the Graves Constellation owners to report any modifications that they have performed in accordance with the rules of PHRF-NB.  Copy Will Museler’s letter attached.
  4. d)       Blackwing- Stuart Knockabout, Non Spin Adj the 2021 certificate for this boat has changed by 12 sec compared to 24 for previous years due to the new system correction a previous issue.
  5. e)       Serendipity- Freedom 30 SD, ISP? This boat does not fly spinnakers so no measurement needed.
  6. f)        Saffier 27L- Need rating  this is a daysailer with a below deck roller furler and electric sail drive. More research to establish a base rating by next month
  7. g)       Dark Star-E32-2 Mod- Discuss modifications Edit PHRF Certificate Dark Star | PHRF of Narragansett Bay ( Carried over to April meeting  Carried over to April meeting
  8. h)       Gamecock IC-37- What is the standard main? We are already adjusting the calculation. Edit PHRF Certificate Gamecock | PHRF of Narragansett Bay ( Carried over to April meeting
  9. i)         C’est Bon- Debora McKeon is upset about the rating.  Please refer to the end of the agenda. Edit PHRF Certificate C’est Bon | PHRF of Narragansett Bay ( Carried over to April meeting
  10. j)         Thru Keel, 3 blade solid.  Is there any adjustment? Not listed in the rules. To be reviewed.
  11. k)       Corvus-Morris Justine 36 SD Edit PHRF Certificate Corvus | PHRF of Narragansett Bay (

He installed an articulating pole. Asym retro install adjustment? Carried over to April meeting

  1. Adjournment; at 9:32

Minutes submitted by Bob Horton

  1. 2020 certificate breakdown by rating:

Here is some information from the 2020 certificates file that I sorted down

I’m comfortable with the accuracy of my sorting and resorting files

Bob H.

Rating range   # certs
From To  
250 999 14
226 250 8
201 225 17
176 200 34
151 175 28
126 150 60
101 125 53
76 100 66
51 75 53
26 50 24
1 25 10
0 -49 18
-50 -99 9
-100   1

# Roller furler certificates               +3         118

# Cruising headsail credits             +6           49

Number of boats with 2 certificates        15 boats = 30 certificates


> Hello Kathy,

>     We submitted our renewal  for 2021 based on the 2020 rating.  Last year we protested the 2020 rating of 61/75 because the prior year rating of 2019 was 62/76 and 2018 was 76/96 a differential of -14 and -19 seconds per mile.  This rate change was due to a change in the keel from Shallow Draft to Standard Draft.  The change in the keel should have resulted in a change of -7 1/2 seconds per mile.  The actual adjustment was -14  to -19 seconds per mile.  Last year we were told they would look at the 2020 race results before granting any adjustment for 2021.  The change was brought about in 2019 because we changed the keel.  Now that we are renewing the certificate and you have our race results from 2019 and 2020.  We expect you will reconsider the rating based on the correct rating adjustment for our keel.

>     I hope to hear from you soon.  Thank you.

> Deborah McKeon

22 February, 2021 PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes February 2021

Date:          Monday, February 22, 2021
Time:         1830

Location:   Zoom

  1. Call to Order 1845
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Paul Cronin, Committee Member; Paul Grimes, Committee Member; Ken Madeiro, Committee Member; Vin McAteer, Committee Member; Moose McClintock, Committee Member; Mark Nannini, Committee Member; Randy Shore, Committee Member; Kathy Rotsky, Administrator

III.    Approval Meeting Minutes: November 2021 motion made and seconded to approve, members present approved motion

  1. Review Draft of 2021 Annual Meeting, no additional changes other than one from Commodore Kern
  2. Appeals:
  3. a)        Mark Serti, Das Blau Max, Farr (Mumm) 30 was not present, discussion of the boat and current rating took place by members present. Formal appeal postponed to March meeting.

  1. Ratings:
  2. a)       None outstanding

VII.    Old

  1. a)       ORA-1/EZ: VPP Enhanced PHRF ratings

No status change, Will is getting information. This will be the 1st full year for the Gulf (all boats) and San Diego (sub 30 sec. boats).

  1. b)       Revisit application purchase placement

There will be no change in the process of pay 1st this certificate year. As Agree at the October meeting (not in the minutes but in my notes) a request for a certificate within 5 days will cost $100.00. This is to be added to the 2021 certificate process and added to the instructions’

  1. c)       Water Ballast

Paul Cronin’s and Will Museler’s notes have been distributed. A long discussion regarding water ballast, placement of tanks and usefulness on short race courses along with current certificates that indicate water ballast was held comparing crew #’s and weight and benefits. More information will be developed and distributed because water ballast is becoming more common on newer boats.

  1. d)       2020 certificate breakdown by rating

This was provided by Bob Horton for information as to the ratings that make up our certificate base.

VIII.    New Business:

  1. a)       J-121 water ballast rating – Jeff Johnstone asked to speak but was not present, item will be placed on March meeting agenda

  1. b)       Headsail paint for UV protection

The members present agreed that pant does not meet the UV cover requirement on cruising headsail rules

  1. c)       Hydraulic headstay adjuster

These are allowed and adjusted for by ORC. MORC allowed for hydraulic adjustments with a 1 sec penalty. A discussion regarding the benefits of different standing rigging design followed. This will be further addressed at the March meeting.

  1. d)       Composite headstay, ie Carbon on Quest 30

Samba’s headstay was damaged and Tristen has the opportunity to replace the damaged unit with a composite headstay. He would like to know if there would be a penalty adjustment. It was noted that Samba already has composite rigging. Ken Madeiro stated that we currently have a 3 sec adjustment for composite masts and the weight difference of a headstay would be negligible.  Continue to March.

  1. e)       Archive of older rules on website

In process, we have changes back to 1999. Suggestion to only go back 5 years. Roy is working backward from 2020 on this project. A formal decision will be made after additional discussion.

  1. f)        Meeting March 29th – Zoom and/or place

  1. Adjournment

Adjourned 1010


  1. 2020 certificate breakdown by rating:

Here is some information from the 2020 certificates file that I sorted down

I’m comfortable with the accuracy of my sorting and resorting files

Bob H.

Rating range   # certs
From To  
250 999 14
226 250 8
201 225 17
176 200 34
151 175 28
126 150 60
101 125 53
76 100 66
51 75 53
26 50 24
1 25 10
0 -49 18
-50 -99 9
-100   1

# Roller furler certificates               +3         118

# Cruising headsail credits             +6           49

Number of boats with 2 certificates        15 boats = 30 certificates

27 Januar, 2021 PHRF-NB Annual Meeting Minutes

Performance Handicap Racing FleetNarragansett Bay (PHRF-NB)  2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

DateJanuary 27, 2021
Attendees:  PHRF-NB Board and Committee and guests
e:  1830

Location:  Zoom Meeting


  1. Call to Order -1830
  2. Roll Call – Don Kern, Will Museler, Roy Guay, Bob Horton, Paul Grimes, Todd Johnston, Ken Madeiro, Vin McAteer, Moose McClintock, Mark Nannini, Kathy Rotsky                                                                                      Guests – B. Kneller, EC Helm, M. Sentl, F. Roy, T. Grimes, N. Sollecito, N.Brach, M. Zani, M. Rotsky, S. Mattos

III.    Minutes of the January 2020 annual meeting voted to be approved, seconded and approved

  1. Treasurers Report – presented by Roy Guay, motion to approve the minutes was seconded and approved
  2. 2021 Officer nominations submitted for approval, seconded and approved

Officers nominated with committee approval.

  1. a)               Commodore – Don Kern
  2. b)              Rating Chairman – Will Museler
  3. c)               Treasurer – Roy Guay
  4. d)              Secretary – Bob Horton
  5. Proposed Changes for 2021 Season presented by Commodore Kern
  6. a)               Updating of Definitions.
  7. b)              Continuation of rating adjustments for sails based on Sail Area rather than SPL or JC and Girths, etc., which now includes adjustments for sails smaller than the boat’s standard.
  8. c)               Clarification of Roller Furler Credit (+3) and Cruising Headsail Credit (+6).
  9. d)              Adjustment to Reaching Headsails (Flying Headsails) Table F. the adjustment has gone from a range of 5 – 10 sec/nm to 2 – 7 sec/nm.

*Question from the floor from B. Kneller, does any rule change potentially change a rating? Response by W. Museler, yes particularly for any credit to a rating where a measurement is required.

* Per Commodore Kern the 2021 rules will be re-formatted to include a table of content indexed to be able to select and go to a specific section

*Noted that in 2021 rules the Cruising Headsail Credit if dropped during the season cannot be reapplied for or re-instated

* Question from the floor from B. Kneller, can the updated rules be set up to reflect past changes? Response from R. Guay that this had been done in the past and we will look at ways to implement this feature again.

*Question from the guests, can the application process change the payment to the end of the new certificate application from the beginning. Response from R. Guay that we will look into this again but it is a more complex change than imagined.

* Question from the floor from F. Roy regarding rigging material. Response from W. Museler the current rules state that there is no penalty for wire or rod standing rigging. Any specialty material should be disclosed in the comments by the applicant.

VII.    Proposed Changes for 2022 Season

No specific items were discussed under this topic.

VIII.    Open Discussion

Question from the floor from S. Mattos, hydraulic head stay cylinders are not addressed in the current rules what are the thoughts of the committee on this. Response from M. Nannini that the rating committee will look at each certificate and judge the impact of such an option and rate it accordingly.

Question from the floor from M. Zani, is the committee looking at providing ratings that would include wind speed? W. Musler responded that PHRF-NB is investigating different options but a key would be if race committees would be interested in adding more complexity. A suggestion from the floor, M. Rotsky, was to use time-on-time instead of time-on-distance for greater accuracy.

  1. Adjournment

The 2021 Annual Meeting was adjourned at 1925

30 November, 2020 PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

Minutes PHRF-NB Monday, November 30, 2020 Meeting

Meeting Location: Zoom

  1. Call to Order: 6:35pm
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Paul Cronin, committee member; Paul Grimes, committee member; Todd Johnston, committee member; Ken Madeiro, committee member; Vin McAteer, committee member; Moose McClintock, committee member; Mark Nannini, committee member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator

III.    Approval Meeting Minutes: October 2020 members present voted to accept minutes as presented.

  1. Appeals:



None Outstanding

  1. Old:
  2. a)       ORA-1: VPP Enhanced PHRF ratings Will has contacted ORRA for Gulf of Mexico they have accumulated a large amount of performance data on a number of boats. The VPP data will be updated annually after the 2 year freeze. They indicated that they will get back to Will.
  3. b)       PHRF-NB Rules and Table adjustments to consider for publication and comment

Topics that were discussed included

*Mainsail roller furler adjustment for the weight of the sections and hardware and if any roach reduction. Mast roler and boom roller were discussed regarding sail area. A 3 sec. credit was discussed, Randy and Todd will be queried for thoughts on sail area to be brought back to the group.

*Discussion on the wording for the credits for roller furling jibs/genoas and cruising headsail credit continued. A partial solution to the description wording was to add “OR” between sections C & D.  Also discussed was the need to remove the headsail restriction in C.

A sort of the current certificated that have a roller furler or cruising headsail credit will be provided by Kathy to help understand what we are dealing with.

  1. New Business:
  2. a)       Mark’s question: “What does PHRF(-NB) want to be? To be discussed at future meetings

VII.    Adjournment: 7:51pm

October 26, 2020 PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

PHRF-NB Minutes of Monthly Meeting

Date:            Monday, October 26, 2020
Time:           1830

Location:     Zoom

  1. Call to Order – 6:40pm
  2. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore, Will Museler, Rating Chairman, Roy Guay, Treasurer, Bob Horton, Secretary, Paul Cronin, board member, Paul Grimes, board member,  Todd Johnston, board member, Ken Madeiro, board member, Moose McClintock, board member, Mark Nannini, board member, Randy Shore, board member, Kathy Rotsky, PHRF administrator

III.    Approval Previous Meeting Minutes: motion made and seconded to accept the September 2020 minutes

  1. Appeals:
  2. a)        None

  1. Ratings:
  2. a)               None outstanding October 2020
  3. b)              2 ratings issued via email review by the committee between September meeting and prior to October meeting
  4. i)               Certificate 15324, Van Ki Pass, custom 64, Viv Carpenter designer, owner Fredrick Mills, committee voted via email to assign a provisional base rating of -30
  5. ii)             Certificate 15326, Neith, Herreshoff one off, Van Brown owner, committee voted via email to assign a provisional base rating of 90
  6. Old
  7. a)       ORA-1/EZ: VPP Enhanced PHRF ratings
  8. b)       Discussion follows below PHRF-NB Rules and Table adjustments to consider this Fall.
  9. i)      Discussion follow regarding – Request input from members: broad announcement and reply deadline

(1)           e-mail from Randy Shore

VII.    New Business:

  1. a)       Nov. 30th meeting – method will continue to be via Zoom.
  2. b)       Annual meeting will be Wednesday January 27, 2021 via Zoom

VIII.    Adjournment – 9:35pm October 26, 2020

(Email from Randy Shore to Will Museler)


   Looking straight at the wording (rather than the white sheet in the FAQs), I’m not sure we need to make many changes.

   Specifically, I think the reduction is absolutely needed, otherwise I think it would be an ADVANTAGE to have a roller furling (especially below deck). If it’s so “low profile” that they are struggling to get to the 2.5%, they have to make a choice.

   Given a raised tack (even if not far), shortened hoist, and foil and swivel weight aloft – I’m ok with the credit as is, but it should have all three components.

   Ie, keep 1. as is.

    Onto Cruising credit:

       I have a problem with 2.1 – because some folks may have a below deck furler, but still use their single headsail racing/day sailing, etc. as their “only” headsail. So they shouldn’t lose the ability to collect the Cruising credit, just because their furler is below deck. I would change this requirement to read; “sail shall be attached to bottom drum, and top swivel on a functional furling system, and shall be furled when not in use and when racing.”

    The verbiage on 2.2 is already correct. This can be their only sail larger than 110%, but I don’t read this as requiring the sail to be larger than 110%. This fixes the problem of them going from a 150 to a 120, to a 100. But it doesn’t fix the problem of them going from a light 108, to a hvy 108, to a 100. Do we need to fix that? Probably not.

    I put some thought into Todd’s point about 2.6: “must be woven polyester”. There are good cruising options out there that aren’t woven polyester. Specifically; 3Di Nordac, and polyester cruising laminates with taffeta (DCX) or liteskin (TEC-LS). There is a bit of an issue this could open up; with a grey liteskin over black polyester, how can we tell if it’s not a racing headsail? I guess we would just have to stick with the “self-policing sport”. The other issue, is that we are still excluding some “cruising type sails” on larger boats, like SXI, or HydraNet, or Flex Ultra – for the most part cruising options, but because of the spectra – prohibited. And it would be tricky to add, without allowing some 3Di Enduro.

    I guess how I would write it: The Cruising headsail must be of polyester fibers (no Aramid, technora, Spectra, Ultra-PE, or Carbon), either woven or with a woven taffeta or composite skin (no polyester/mylar only).


Roller Furler Discussion:

  1. Roller Furler Credit (+3) is intended to compensate cruisers not racers
  2. Headsails shall comply with the following:
  3. All sails to be used shall have a luff length 2.5% of the I measurement shorter than the head stay length as measured from the deck sheer line to the mast intersection. Should it move to 3% or 4% this would not affect most cruisers and sailmakers could still add foot round.

iii. Furler bottom drum mounted above the deck.

  1. The sail shall be attached to the bottom drum and top swivel, system shall be functional. Should we add must be attached to a metal (aluminum) extrusion
  2. The headsail being used shall be the primary race headsail
  3. The sail shall be furled when not in use and racing.
  4. Cruising Headsail Credit (+6) This represents 3 sec for roller furler and 3 sec for headsail restriction.
  5. Compliance with the Roller Furling Credit requirements (6c).
  6. The cruising headsail is the only headsail greater than 110% used while racing.

iii. The cruising headsail is stored on the head stay when not racing.

  1. The cruising headsail is regularly used as the primary genoa/headsail when the boat is day sailing or cruising.
  2. The cruising headsail has a UV leach cover.
  3. The cruising headsail must be of a woven polyester material. Exotic sail cloths are not allowed (Pentax, Mylar, Kevlar, Spectra, Technora, Carbon, etc.).


If cruising headsail credit is issued during the original certificate request it CAN be replaced (dropped) in favor of another sail but CANNOT be reactivate during the same sailing season.

If cruising headsail credit is requested after the original certificate request it CANNOT be replaced (dropped) in favor of another sail during the same sailing season.

Randy Shore brought up below deck furlers on true production cruising boats should be able to get the cruising headsail credit

Members present agreed to table the 2.5% to 4% furler and aluminum extrusion decision until additional information on the impact to existing certificate holders could be determined. A number of production boats do not have an extrusion for their furlers, Class 40, J121, Melges 24

Cruising headsail credit should include language that standard woven polyester material is necessary to receive credit. Randy and Todd to provide appropriate language.

The wording regarding 110% headsails in the roller furler description will be changed to make it more precise

Outboard and Aperture discussion

2 blade props in apertures are they the same as 3 blade – members thought they are not

3 blade in aperture produce more drag than 2 blade

Feathering props will work in an aperture

Outboards still under discussion for adjustments and One Design

Boats with dropbox will be reviewed on a case by case review.

Other modifications for consideration:

Adding or replacing existing sails with larger % sails is a reportable change modification.

Increasing or decreasing mainsail area Don added a chart to show decreased size equivalent to same chart for increased size.

Discussion of the roller mainsail vs size of the sail which credit is more accurate?

In mast furlering mainsails have a greater hollow, heavier mast sections, less sail area, vertical battens, Todd agreed to review.

For undersized sails to receive a credit the owner must provide a certificate from their sailmaker

Per Todd the average cost to measure a sail is $50.00

The same wording for oversized sails should also be in undersized sails

A fee should be assessed for expedited certificate requests.5 days would be the definition for expedited.

Paul Cronin will review what the committee should account for on boats with water ballast and boats removing weight.

Randy Shore suggested that we identify differences in One Design configurations for obtaining a PHRF-NB certificate, we could use a One Design compliance box on the certificate application and any differences would be required to be listed in comments.

It was noted that the term provisional rating is not described in our rules.

September 28, 2020 PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

 PHRF-NBMeeting September 28, 2020

Date:           Monday, September28, 2020

Time:          1830

Location:    Zoom

Call to Order – 6:39pm

  1. Roll Call: Don Kern, Will Museler, Roy Guay, Bob Horton, Paul Cronin, Paul Grimes, Ken Madeiro, Vin McAteer, Moose McClintock, Mark Nannini, Kathy Rotsky
  2. Approval of Meeting Minutes: August 2020, motion made and seconded to

III.    Appeals:

  1. a)       none

  1. Ratings:
  2. a)       2020 Certificate 15268, Dunning 4, Rigadoon, James Grundy owner, Compliments to Moose McClintock for his thoughtful and complete response to the letter received from Mr. Grundy in regard to the provisional rating that was assigned to Rigadoon by the committee at the August meeting. Will Museler provided information from the race results of Rigadoon at NYYC Race Week and the conversion of their ORC rating. It appears we were accurate in our provisional rating.
  3. b)       El tata, Certificate 15298, Jeanneau, 410, James Pattison owner, there were questions regarding this certificate as a foot offset was reported in the detail for this boat. There is a base for a Jeanneau 410. It appears that the sail in question is free flying. Kathy to contact Steve Thurston for clarification on this sail to determine if it is a genoa or a spinnaker. It was determined after the meeting that the JC reported was incorrect and this sail has a 48%  smg/foot ratio. A base of 93 was assigned with appropriate adjustments for this sail.
  4. c)       Althea, Certificate 15300, Bruckmann, 46 Cutter, Bradford Read owner. The designer of this boat is Mark Ellis and the boat appears to be similar to his design of the Niagara 42. The keel weight on this particular boat appears to be light at 3,333 for a boat with a displacement of 26,000. The members present agreed on a provisional base rating of 96.
  5. d)       Chasseur, Certificate 15302, Little Harbor 54, Miles Cook owner. A base of 66 exists for this model. There is a question regarding the JC# and the attachment point for the asymmetrical spinnaker. The members present agreed to a provisional rating of 66 but require additional information for adjustments to the rating. (clarification was received subsequent to the meeting and the necessary adjustments were made and reflected in the sailing rating)
  6. e)       Mrs Gee, Certificate 15304, Rhodes 19, Christopher Lee owner no action necessary base of 267 assigned
  7. f)        Maura, Certificate 15306, Rhodes 19, Eric McNight owner no action necessary base of 267 assigned
  8. g)       Verus Amore, Certificate 15308, Moody 54DS, Berthon USA owner. This boat formerly known as Outnumbered has in mast furling which is eligible for a credit of 6 sec to the base rating. The members in attendance agreed on a provisional rating of 72 and appropriate adjustments be made to reflect on the sailing ratings.

  1. Old
  2. a)       ORA: VPP Enhanced PHRF ratings
  3. b)       PHRF-NB Rules and Table adjustments to consider this Fall.
  4. i)      Request input from members: broad announcement and reply deadline\
  5. New Business:
  6. a)       Editorial changes to Rules, Principles and Application Instructions, such as:
  7. b)               Boats rated in a One Design configuration shall comply with all applicable Class measurements. Variations shall be reported to the Rating Committee.
  8. c)                 Concinnity between Rules, Principles, and Application Instructions
  9. d)                  Provisional Rating definition
  10. e)                  Description of our area to conform to US Sailing
  11. b)     Kathy- Ratings- Current, Queue, History

          Kathy explained how different information can be sorted from the current ratings list.

VII.    Next meeting

  1. a)       Oct. 26th meeting – method will be zoom at 6:30pm


Fall 2020 PHRF items that may be consider:

  1. Small Mainsail credit
  2. Headsail not attached to forestay

To be defined in non-spinnaker. Currently covered in spinnaker.

  1. Roller Furl headsail credit and Cruising headsail credit

Is the 2.5% valid based on new technology for roller furlers?

  1.  Thru keel prop 2 & 3 blades

Chesapeake gives different credits for 2 or 3 blade props, we should review

  1.  Motor-No Motor (J22 , Graves Constellation)

This requirement should be removed as many boats have outboards and remove them or the weight of them is minimal and placement doesn’t affect balance.

  1. Windward leeward buoy racing ratings and description of what we rate

PHRF-NB current uses Random leg. Would race committees be interested in Windward leeward ratings or use them?  Boats can apply for and be issued multiple certificates which may satisfy this.

  1. Editorial changes to Rules, Principles and Application Instructions, such as:
  2. Boats rated in a One Design configuration shall comply with all applicable Class measurements. Variations shall be reported to the Rating Committee.
  3. Concinnity between Rules, Principles, and Application Instructions

                iii.        Description of our area to conform to US Sailing. This open ocean of RI Sound

Oversized poles are creating a problem as adjustments are being done manually.

PY & EY fields – yawls and ketches and schooners are a currently a manual review and since we only have 1 or 2 a year no change to certificate application is necessary.

Paul Cronin brought up the possibility of owners removing weight from their boats but remaining within the manufactures specified weight. Should we penalize? Current rules address weight changes.

Bob Horton brought up new sail technology and should we credit non-string sails. Response from members present was that we should not credit older or non-string sails competitors should be willing to spend the money for new quality sails.

  1. Website edits

VIII.    Adjournment

  1. Meeting adjourned at 8:36pm

August 31, 2020 PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

PHRF-NBMeeting August 31, 2020

Date:           Monday, August 31, 2020

Time:          1830

Location:    Zoom

Call to Order – 6:35pm

  1. Roll Call: Don Kern, Will Museler, Roy Guay, Bob Horton, Paul Cronin, Paul Grimes, Todd Johnston, Ken Madeiro, Moose McClintock, Randy Shore, Kathy Rotsky
  2. Approval Meeting Minutes: July 2020

III.    Appeals:

  1. a)       none

  1. Ratings:
  2. a)       2020 Certificate 15247, Assai Warwick 82LK, owner Matt Hooper. The members found it difficult to find a comparable boat in our database and memory. This unique boat vacuum bagged E-glass and carbon composite hull, water tight bulkheads, teak decking, carbon rig and poles with Navtec standing rigging. It compared to a Swan 80 Selene which was rated at -75 a few years ago. It is obviously set up as a cruising boat displacing 114,860lbs with all of the amenities listed and even with a waterline of 70 feet and generous sail area it will need a good breeze to get it moving. After a lengthy discussion by the members present it was agreed that a provisional rating of -70 be assigned.
  3. b)       2020 Certificates 14960 & 15125 Alchemist, owner Ken Read; 2020 Certificates15006 &15158 Byte, owner Robert Alexander; 2020 Certificate 15042 Low Profile, owner Chris Benzak, these 3 boats are Jeanneau Sunfast 3300s- It was agreed to re-evaluate the base rating when more race results are available
  4. c)       2020 Certificate 15154 Celeritas, owner Sam Fitzgerald; 2020 Certificates 13596 & 14911 La Défonce, owner Laurent Givy, these 2 boats are Beneteau Figaro IIIs- It was agreed to re-evaluate the base rating when more race results are available.
  5. d)       2020 Certificate 15268, Rigadoon, Dunning 44, owner James Grundy. This is a custom boat that replaces Mr Grundy’s Dunning 41. The members present reviewed a number of boats such as the Interlodge 44 rating -60 and Prevale rating -75. Rigadoon is a fractional rig carrying a lot of sail and it has a high righting moment. A boat that was brought into the mix subsequent to the meeting is the Cookson 50 Privateer rating -75. Rigadoon has not obtained any other rating certificates and has not recorded any race finished at this time. After a thorough discussion by the members present it was agreed that a provisional rating of -66 be assigned.

  1. Old
  2. a)       ORA: VPP Enhanced PHRF ratings – no update on this as Sheila McCurdy has not been available
  3. New Business:
  4. a)       PHRF-NB Rules and Table adjustments to consider this Fall. – Board members were asked to submit rules and subjects by the September meeting that should be reviewed or considered for changing. This would enable the organization to put certificate holders on notice of possible changes
  5. b)       Cruising headsail credit – this item was placed on the agenda by Bob Horton in response to a SIRA member wishing to drop his cruising headsail certificate and race the SIRA Fall series with newly purchased sails. After some discussion it was agreed that a certificate holder with a cruising headsail credit could drop that rating for a non-cruising headsail rating but COULD NOT use or apply for a cruising headsail credit for the remainder of the season.
  6. c)       J/22- Motor-No Motor – this is a continuation of the One Design ratings and adherence to One Design rules that was brought up in regard to number or weight of crew on a One Design rating. This will be discussed further over the winter.

Fall 2020 PHRF items that may be consider:

  1. Small Mainsail credit
  2. Headsail not attached to forestay
  3. Roller Furl headsail credits
  4. Thru keel prop 2 & 3 blades
  5. Windward leeward buoy racing ratings and description of what we rate
  6. Editorial changes to Rules, Principles and Application Instructions, such as:
  7. vi. Boats rated in a One Design configuration shall comply with all applicable Class measurements. Variations shall be reported to the Rating Committee.
  8. Description of our area to conform to US Sailing
  9. Website edits

  1. d)       Sept. 28th meeting – method and/or place – it was agreed that the September meeting will take place via Zoom.

VII.    Adjournment 8:42pm

July 27, 2020 PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

Minutes PHRF-NB Monday, July 27, 2020 Meeting

Meeting Location: Zoom Meeting:

  1. Call to Order – 6:39pm

  1. Roll Call: Don Kern, Will Museler, Roy Guay, Bob Horton, Paul Grimes, Todd Johnston, Ken Madeiro, Vin McAteer, Mark Nannini, Kathy Rotsky

III.    Approval Meeting Minutes: June 20, 2020

  1. Appeals:
  2. a)          Vento Solare, J-109, Bill Kneller – there is no update on any action that has been taken by Bill Kneller. There is no record an appeal has been filed with U.S. sailing.

  1. Ratings:
  2. a)      Alchemist certificate 14960 & 15125 Byte certificate 15006 & 15158 Sunfast 3300 -Base rating discussion continued on the rating versus performance of the Sunfast 3300
  3. b)      2020 Certificate 15135 Overproof Open 30, owner Tim Scanlon – base rating of 36 is all set
  4. c)      2020 Certificate 14586 Oohla Sabre 42 cb, owner George Wilson Lovett. Agreed by the board members present to use the 2019 certificate base of 105
  5. d)      2020 Certificate 14699 –“Z” Beneteau Oceanis 350 wk, owner Al Clayton. Agreed by the board members present to use the standard measurements for this boat and assign a base rating of 147
  6. e)      2020 Certificate 15141 – Joie de Vie, Beneteau First 20, owner David Bergeron. Agreed by the board members present after comparing to similar designs that a base rating of 195 would be assigned.
  7. f)       Boats with question on measurements:

2020 certificate 14992 – Njorth Star  Albin 85 sd Cumulus, owner Paul Raterron. SMG appears to be incorrect. Agreed by the board members present to use the standard measurements for this boat and assign a base rating of 195

  1. Old
  2. a)      Status of revised software for Certification reflecting new 2020 rules – still in process
  3. b)      ORA: VPP Enhanced PHRF ratings – Nothing to update Sheila McCurdy has not been available

VII.    New Business:

  1. a)      Random Leg vs Windward Leeward Courses, PHRF-NB area and Bylaws.- Will & Randy working of this
  2. b)      New bases and changes/ Rating adjustments during season/ Fees
  3. c)   Graves Constellation- Sweeping roller furling credit for roller furling to be reviewed during the winter.
  4. c)      Aug 31st meeting – method will again be Zoom

VIII.    Adjournment – 8:31pm

June20, 2020 PHRF-NB Meeting Minutes

Minutes PHRF-NB Monday, June, 20, 2020 Meeting

Meeting Location: Zoom

  1. Call to Order: 6:35pm

  1. Roll Call: Don Kern, Commodore; Will Museler, Rating Chairman; Roy Guay, Treasurer; Bob Horton, Secretary; Paul Cronin, committee member; Paul Grimes, committee member; Todd Johnston, committee member; Ken Madeiro, committee member; Vin McAteer, committee member; Moose McClintock, committee member; Kathy Rotsky, PHRF-NB Administrator

III.    Approval Meeting Minutes: May 2020

  1. Appeals:

Venda Solare, J109, 2020 Certificate14486 current rating 75/69 (145%)  Bill Kneller on behalf of J109 Association. NO UPDATE.


2020 Certificate 14960 Alchemist- 2019 Jeanneau Sunfast 3300 hull #4 prototype, Ken Read owner. There are a number of these boats that are applying for ratings and each seems to be a slightly different configuration. Base on ORC is 50 Byte another Sunfast 3300 has a LIS rating of 51 distance and 63 around the buoys. These boats are all equipped to utilize water ballast. IRC rating converts 31 in PHRF. This particular appears to have a smaller mainsail than others and it has a small spinnaker. As a comparison a Figaro 2 rates 57. The boats did well at Key West. A lengthy discussion by members present took into account detailed information that was provided by Ken Read. The boat is reported to be heavier than the manufacturer advertises, this fact was not applied to the rating as the policy and standard ratings for all production boats is to use the manufacturer’s numbers. The members present agreed on a provisional rating of 45 without water ballast. No adjustment given for the smaller mainsail. Base rating adjusted to 66 after further discovery and discussion during the month of July.

 2020 Certificate 14681 Eclipse – 2014 Mills 41 aka C&C Redline MK III, designed by Mark Mills manufactured by Waterline Systems, owner Mark Coleman. There are not modifications of note to the boat, IRC has it rated at 24 which compares to a J121. The members present agreed to a provisional rating of 18.

2020 Certificate 13622 Ochla – 1987 Sabre 42 centerboard, George Wilson Lovett, owner. This boat has a rating from New England of 108. There are some measurements that are needed to assign a rating as the boat only lists a Code 0 but has noted that it carries an asymmetrical spinnaker. It was agreed that the owner should be contacted for more information before assigning a provisional rating.

2020 Certificate 14782 Azura – 1964 Graves Constellation, Erik Ekwall owner. Waiting for spinnaker measurements. Owner does not have a spinnaker at this time. He is waiting for a hand me down from another Graves or delivery of a new spinnaker. Base rating of 192 remains unchanged provisional spinnaker rating of 196 will remain until measurements obtained.

2020 Certificate 14949 Glory – Freedom 45 Center cockpit TM WK, lance Ryley owner. YRALIS has issued a rating of 126 for shoal draft models of this model. The members present agreed to a provisional rating of 123

2020 Certificate 14986 – Warrior 21, 2006 Mini Transat 6.50 prototype, Griffin Spinney owner. ORC at 650 converts to 100 in PHRF this boat is at 787 in ORC. After discussion the members present agreed on a provisional rating of 108.

2020 Certificate 14981 Arethusa – 2019 Fiber Mechanics IC37 Mark Mills designer, Philip Lotz owner. Based on the design and previous models rated the provisional base of this boat was agreed on by the members present to be -9.

2020 Certificate 14941 Cepheus – 2002 Holby Marine Quest 33S designed by Roger Martin, owner Phil Hayden. This boat has been rated for a previous owner and the changes made do not affect the base. The members present agreed to assign the base of 96.

2020 Certificate 14911 La Defonce – 2018 Beneteau Figaro 3, hull #3, Laurent Givry owner. This boat is carrying an undersized spinnaker and a Code 0. The members present agreed to a credit of 2 sec for the spinnaker.

2020 Certificate 14992 Njorth Star – 1982 Albin 85 Cumulus shoal draft,owner Raterron   The spinnaker measurements suggest a credit of 6 seconds. Based on detail, provided it was recommended that Kathy Rotsky contact the owner for verification of measurements.

2020 Certificate 15040 Sachem – 1978 J24, owner Douglas Stone. Certificate indicates a headsail LP of 170% the standard adjustment to the base One Design headsail was applied. Base remains at 174. All members present agreed on this adjustment.

2020 Certificate 14962 First Light – 2007  Class 40 designed by Owen Clarke Design and manufactured by Jaz Marine, owner Sam Fitzgerald. Base is currently -9 but there are questions regarding the spinnaker measurements. Kathy Rotsky to contact to verify for any adjustments.

***It was agreed by the members present that any credit for undersized spinnakers greater than 2 seconds will cause the owner to have a measurement certificate from a sailmaker.

  1. Old
  2. a)      2020 Racing Season – starting up in all areas of the bay.
  3. b)      Status of revised software for Certification reflecting new 2020 rules – this is being worked on
  4. c)      Boats with multiple certifications – it was agreed that certificate holds can apply for additional certificates at the normal cost. The system does not allow anything other than $50.00

  1. New Business:
  2. a)      Mark’s question: “What does PHRF(-NB) want to be? To be discussed at future meetings
  3. a)      ORA: VPP Enhanced PHRF ratings
  4. b)      Sheila McCurdy, Ida Lewis Cruise Committee member and ORA has offered that ORR is available to be of assistance to PHRF-NB if we are interested.
  5. c)      July 27th meeting – method and/or place TBD either Zoom, BYC or Doyle Sail Loft EG.

VII.    Adjournment: 8:45pm

ADDITIONAL Email discussions regarding Ratings subsequent to June meeting;

2020 Certificate Overproof – 2007 Open 30 Van Gorkom, designer, owner Tim Scanlon. These types of boats were familiar to some of the board members and after discussion via email and the water ballast of 2,259 lbs was added in the members participating agreed on a base rating of 36.

Additional information was provided by Ken Read on 2020 Certificate 14960 Alchemist- 2019 Jeanneau Sunfast 3300 hull #4 prototype, there was agreement by board members on various changes that were identified on this hull during the email exchange. The PROVISIONAL RATING was adjusted to 69 without water ballast and 66 with water ballast.