2018 PHRF-NB Membership/Rating Certificate

This certificate expires on April 30, 2019, or upon change of ownership, whichever comes first.

Certificate status: Renewed

117 134
Spinnaker Non-Spinnaker
Administrative Data
Name:Henry duPont
Address:Privacy Protected
Primary Phone:
Secondary Phone:
Yacht Club:Block Island Community Sailing
Yacht Name: RUSHSail Number: USA 3883
Designer: Tripp
Manufacturer: Smart Boats (Mark Lindsay)Model: Tripp 26
Hull Serial Number: 39Date Manufactured: 1994
Other Ratings: Chesapeake ('06) 120; YRALIS ('08) 120; PHRF-NB ('00) 117Date Last Rated:
Previous Name: Previous Location:
Boat Measurements
I: 31.75J: 9.39LOA: 26.7
P: 32.75E: 11.9LWL: 22
ISP: 31.85SPL: 12.39Draft: Max 6
Py: Ey:
Beam: 8.7Displacement: 2900
Rig Type: SloopRig: Fractional
Keel Weight: 1000Keel Material: Lead
Composite Rigging: noOther Ballast: NO
Mast Material: AluminumSpinnaker Type(s): Symmetrical
Asymmetrical Spinnaker Tacked To:
Engine: OutboardProp. Type:
Prop. Install: Rudder: Outboard
# of Blades: Keel: Fin Keel
Headsails to be used (LP%)
Headsail 1155
Headsail 2135
Headsail 395
Headsail 4
Mainsail Measurements
Non-Overlapping Headsail Standard:
Spinnakers to be used
Spin # JC SMG Foot Luff Leech
Spin 112.3922.38031.4531.45
Spin 2
Spin 3
Code 0
Headsail Credit: n/a

All measurements for Spars and Sails meet Tripp 26 One Design Class Rules.
Keel is standard Tripp 26 retractable keel with bulb. Keel is bolted in place for safety when lowered, and is only retracted when placing boat on trailer.

Committee Use Only
PHRF #: 12829
Base Rating117 Non-Spin Adj.17
Genoa Spin Adj.0 Genoa Non-Spin Adj.0
Mainsail Adj.0 Furling Adj.0
Spin. Area Adj. Whisker Pole Adj.
Prop. Adjustment0
Mast Adj.0 Misc. Adj.0
Asym Adj.0 Spin Pole Adj.0
Committee Signature Date
Katherine Rotsky 03/13/2018