2021 PHRF-NB Membership/Rating Certificate

This certificate expires on April 30, 2022, or upon change of ownership, whichever comes first.

Certificate status: Renewed

182 190
Spinnaker Non-Spinnaker
Administrative Data
Name:Terajewicz, Chris
Address:Privacy Protected
Primary Phone:
Secondary Phone:
Yacht Club:CCA
Yacht Name: CorvusSail Number: USA 60841
Designer: Paine
Manufacturer: MorrisModel: Morris Justine 36 SD
Hull Serial Number: TMY36026G191Date Manufactured: 1992
Other Ratings: Date Last Rated:
Previous Name: Previous Location:
Boat Measurements
I: 48.5J: 15.17LOA: 36.25
P: 42.8E: 13.3LWL: 29.5
ISP: 46.5SPL: 15.17Draft: Max 4.5
Py: Ey:
Beam: 11.58Displacement: 15600
Rig Type: SloopRig: Masthead
Keel Weight: 6500Keel Material: Lead
Composite Rigging: noOther Ballast: None
Mast Material: AluminumSpinnaker Type(s): Asymmetrical
Asymmetrical Spinnaker Tacked To: fsprit
Engine: InboardProp. Type: Feathering
Prop. Install: ApertureRudder: Skeg
# of Blades: 3Keel: Winged Keel
Headsails to be used (LP%)
Headsail 1145
Headsail 20
Headsail 30
Headsail 40
Mainsail Measurements
Non-Overlapping Headsail Standard:
Spinnakers to be used
Spin # JC SMG Foot Luff Leech
Spin 118.1727.324.0546.842.6
Spin 218.1723.7927.9549.5642.65
Spin 318.1720.8527.6547.8543.61
Code 0
Headsail Credit: Roller Furling

Scheel Keel 2016-Asym spinnaker tacked .83 feet forward of headstay =1.3 = -1. 2017 - asym .83' fwd headstay = -2; 9-2=7.
Added Articulating Bowsprit
Added Code Zero
Corrected P dimension
2018-Asym Adjustment per Standard Adjustment Paragraph 3A = +12 minus bow sprit -6 = +6.
2021- Asym Retro Install +12 plus Asym Retrofit Area +2 = +14

Committee Use Only
PHRF #: 15408
Base Rating165 Non-Spin Adj.22
Genoa Spin Adj.3 Genoa Non-Spin Adj.3
Mainsail Adj.0 Furling Adj.3
Spin. Area Adj.14 Whisker Pole Adj.0
Prop. Adjustment-3
Mast Adj.0 Misc. Adj.0
Committee Signature Date
Katherine Rotsky 04/13/2021