2024 PHRF-NB Membership/Rating Certificate

This certificate expires on April 30, 2025, or upon change of ownership, whichever comes first.

Certificate status: Published

24 40
Spinnaker Non-Spinnaker
Administrative Data
Name:Mark Nannini
Address:Privacy Protected
Primary Phone:
Secondary Phone:
Yacht Club:Newport Yacht Club
Yacht Name: BellaSail Number: 30306
Designer: Rodger Martin
Manufacturer: Home BuiltModel: HIGHLAND 32
Hull Serial Number: N/ADate Manufactured: 2011
Other Ratings: Date Last Rated:
Previous Name: Previous Location:
Boat Measurements
I: 38.5J: 11.2LOA: 32.75
P: 40.5E: 14.5LWL: 30
ISP: 43.5SPL: 0Draft: Max 8
Py: Ey:
Beam: 12.5Displacement: 3585
Rig Type: SloopRig: Fractional
Keel Weight: 1210Keel Material: Lead
Composite Rigging: noOther Ballast:
Mast Material: CarbonSpinnaker Type(s): Asymmetrical
Asymmetrical Spinnaker Tacked To: rsprit
Engine: InboardProp. Type: Folding
Prop. Install: Sail DriveRudder: Spade
# of Blades: 2Keel: Strut/Bulb
Headsails to be used (LP%)
Headsail 1100
Headsail 2100
Headsail 380
Headsail 40
Mainsail Measurements
Non-Overlapping Headsail Standard:
Spinnakers to be used
Spin # JC SMG Foot Luff Leech
Spin 120.332.233.951.645.1
Spin 220.32829.951.644.7
Spin 320.323.4926.4148.8541.1
Code 0
Headsail Credit: n/a

2012:Split backstays to accommodate large roach main. Three foot wide hiking racks on each side; weight is approximated. 2014: Base rating changed on appeal =+12 to 27;Rack removal = +3. 2016: Hiking racks reinstalled @ 2ft per side;keel modified including addition of trim tab (dwgs submitted); Committee review agreed that the base of 27 should remain and +3 adjustment for tack removal be removed. Base is 27, no adjustments. 2017: Shorten SPL from 20.3' to 18'( +7 )
2024- No adjustments.

Committee Use Only
PHRF #: 18270
Base Rating27 Non-Spin Adj.16
Genoa Spin Adj.0 Genoa Non-Spin Adj.0
Mainsail Adj.0 Furling Adj.0
Spin. Area Adj.0 Whisker Pole Adj.0
Prop. Adjustment0
Mast Adj.0 Misc. Adj.-3
Committee Signature Date
Museler, William 2024-05-29